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Should I show her my feeling now?

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I'm a 22 years old boy, I have a close friend who had studied with me for 5 years at school. She was a very dynamic girl with impressive character because she was sometimes playful (mischievous) as a boy. When we learned together, we were still very young , I and she became close friends and at that time she was my best friend .

When I was 14 , I and she moved to different schools and we hadn't keep contact for a long time.We only known just very little about each other .At that time , I was so timid that I didn't go and meet her though I know that I like her very much.

A few months ago , I came to visit her and we began to keep contact again.But only one month later, she gone abroad for study so we hadn't enough time to know well of each other.

Our relation is still good but I know it can't be like before.

Since we kept contact, I really tried to make her happy and showed attentions to her .

Should I show her my feeling now , is it too early because we've just know a little about each other after along time ? If I should , if she doesn't love me , shall we still be good friends?If I shouldn't , when can I tell her about that, and it's nearly Valentine Day, should I do something to let her know about my sentiment?


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  • 2 weeks later...

Dear niceguy,

it seems u love ur friend a lot. u have known long to become her best friend. but there is a difference in loving someone and being in love with someone. the difference is we all love our friends,family etc. but generally we are "in love" with only one person. so think a lot before u do anything.

do u see a future for both of u? do u know that she does not love anyone else? let me tell one thing- if u tell her and she says no,she amy be ur friend but she may not treat u the way she did before. she will be careful about what she says to u. think about all this. after that if u feel u need to get it out of ur system then u can tell her. till then

keep smiling!!


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  • 2 weeks later...

Your problem at the moment is that she is off in her own world doing her own thing. It would be unfair for you to ask her to drop everything she is doing now, for the sake of being with you.


A woman with self independence is a good thing. In the long run, it is good for you too if you choose to marry when both of your agendas are on track.


Right now, concentrate on becoming independent. Do express your feelings with her to give her an opportunity to discuss her love for you. Its best that you know this now before you get overly involved. If there is any sentiment towards you, then communicate your vision with her and make sure you totally understand hers. Don't assume!

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  • 2 years later...

well i have been in ur shoes before but with a guy, well like the other 2 say, u know when u are in love with the person and u think all the time about her and u would want to live with her...then i think that u should tell her, but either way u should tell her so she knows...alright..u should always tell ur feelings for ur friends even if it is stupid but aleast they would know how u feel. never hind the feelings from anyone, not even from urself...

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