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I don't want my boyfriend drinking alcohol

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My boyfriend just started his new job yesterday and when he came home he was telling me how his boss gave him a beer when he was getting off.To be nice or whatever.But he also bought a six pack.I guess he felt like he wanted to drink a little bit more.He also told me that his boss gives all of his employees a beer when they're getting off every night.And I asked him,"So are you going to be drinking every night?"And he said probably.Okay,now why this is such a big deal for me is because he hasn't drank in a long time.Because he's done some bad things to me in the past while drinking.And I don't want to have another bad experiance again.We talked about it and he says that he will never act like that again.So my question is,should it not bother me if he has a few beers?Any advice is greatly appreciated!

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I can understand where you're coming from...


Soon after my most recent relationship started I gave up social drinking for good. It wasn't that I was trying too hard to please her or anything, I just managed to realize where just how right she was. Now I only drink for special times and only then, we (me and my girlfriend) drink together or not at all.


I've done some regretful things before to past girlfriends and guys... thing is I remember those times everytime I bring a bottle to my lips. Possibly your boyfriend doesn't take to heart those bad experiences with the drink as you do? I know for me that the memories come back like bad dreams.


I'd suggest you sit him down and tear open old wounds- remind him of what he was like before when he was drinking- about the things he did to you, etc. I thoughtthat drunkeness was great despite the costs your body has to pay- but having a girlfriend totally changed my picture.


For the better.

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Hey,aren't you the guy that wrote about your g/f faking a non-orgasm?I posted a reply for you.And now you're giving me advice.So how's that going so far?I'm thinking that maybe I shouldn't worry about the drinking thing as long as he doesn't do anything stupid again to me.The good thing is that when he's drinking,he's at home.At least he's not at a bar.Which is where he was when he was a complete jerk.If you ever want to talk,feel free to IM me.Thanks for the advice!

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Well, you said that you already talked about it, and that he has told you that he won't treat you bad again while drinking, so that's great, as long as he knows FOR SURE how he made you feel when he did that, and that's it's NOT acceptable, and that if it he let's it get to that point again, there will be consequences. He should care enough about you to not do it again because it hurts you.


Good luck!!

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Because he's done some bad things to me in the past while drinking.And I don't want to have another bad experiance again.We talked about it and he says that he will never act like that again.So my question is,should it not bother me if he has a few beers?Any advice is greatly appreciated!


When you say he did bad things do you mean he was violent?

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  • 4 years later...

I guess I think it's odd that a boss would provide alcohol for his employees at the end of every work day. Most employers are wary of having employees who drink too much. Someone with a propensity toward alcoholism could really be in trouble at that job. The whole thing sounds very odd. But, hopefully, you and your boyfriend will be fine. It sounds like he has some self-awareness and self-control. If someone is typically verbally abusive when drunk, this isn't something that normally changes, though, any more than a tendency to be physically abusive.

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