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People Please help me because i have GIRL PROBLEMS!!!!!!!!

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aww where do i begin, well yes me and my girlfriend are doing good, we have are ups and downs but were still good. well i have a bigg problem that just occurred today. here it goes:


well when me and my girlfriend started going out there were also two other girls that likes me. well one day me and my girl were suppose to go out on a date but my girl couldn't go because she had some technical problems. I really wanted to do something bad so i take 1 of the girls that likes me and we go to this place. my girlfriend said i could go out but didn't know that i was going with her. So when i got there with this other girl we were just haven fun, all of a sudden all these people from are school comes up and asking questions and thinks we were doing something. So then the 2nd girl that likes me shows up some how and I had no clue what i was going to do so I was trying 2 hide from her and trying 2 not act stupid with the other my girlfriend also said not to interact with these other girls so the girl im hiding frome sees me and i get into even more trouble and she starts asking me questions. I know after the march break done people are going to be saying things what should I do?

should I tell my girlfriend i went with her and did nothing or should i keep it a secret and the other question is: is this cheating??

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Tell her that you went out with the other girl but it wasn't a planned event, that you went out with your boys, and meet them up there, nothing more nothing less, unless she bust you out, because she may already know by word of mouth, that you went with this other girl, simply because people at your school seen you two together, sticky situation if you ask me, honestly may be your best policy.


Don't become tied down with yourself, and having 3 girls to balance, that might not last to long, be-friend the ones you want to remain friends with, let them know that from the beginning.



If you don't correct this now, like as soon as possible you might have 3 girls with each other. and it wont over you.

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kk man i been there before tell your girlfriend but say sometin like hey baby you know i love ya right (say love only if you gyus have said it to each other before) i just wanna tell you sometin that happened before you hear bout it from someone else and it gets all blown out of wack. That night that we couldnt go out cuz of those technical problems i really wanted to do sometin and i was madd bored so i called up (what ever that girls name was) to go do sometin but all he did was just go to (whever you guys went) that was it just as friends and i know u dont want me talkin wit her and im sorry but ya know a bunch of people from school saw us and were thinkin sometin was happenin but i just wanna clear that up and u hear it from me before you hear it from someone else and u get the wrong information. Cuz my heart only belongs to you aint no other girl on my mind i was just bored and wanted to do sometin but i shouldnt have cuz i know you would prefer me not to hang out wit (whatever the girls name is) and u can take it from there aight im out like a deaf kid playin musical chairs, peace in the middle east, rain in spain, holla bak at the godfather

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you deffinitly have to tell her... if you dot tell her some one else will.. and we all that rumors suck bc they are never true they always extend the truth... tell her exactly what happened... but forwarning you she will be pissed bc she did tell you that she didnt want you to hang with them...honesty is the best pollicy at your age girls will prolly dump you if u lie and they find out the hard way... but as you get older ppl really do appreciate the truth... for future reference i would ask her or tell her that you wanna chill with a girl and if you have to fib alittle say ur boys will be there... good luck

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I wouldn't consider it cheating because you didn't do anything. But I think you should tell her because sounds like she's going to hear it anyway and she's going to be even more pissed rather than hearing it from you. Plus if she hears it and you deny it then now you are lying to her. So if you tell her you went with these girls and did nothing then she has no reason not to believe you. However if you lie to her and she catches you in the lie and you try to tell her that you didn't do anything then she'll already think that you've jeapordized her trust and what's to stop you from lyin again now. Be Honest.

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