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Broke NC over summer, having trouble getting her off my mind

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Hey ena, I separated with my spouse 6 months ago, it's been the hardest thing to deal with. I had about 2 months of no contact going, or I guess limited contact as we share kids. Over the summer she seemed to be hinting of getting back together and as much as I didn't feel I wanted to I live her, and welcomed the feelings again. Now she has decided that she still wants to just be with someone else which I guess I'm OK with, I can't seem to get her out of my mind. I'm back to limited contact. But please can anyone give me any pointers that helped them keep their exes out of their minds, I'm feeling like I'm obsession a little. Thanks

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Stay busy. Start a gratitude journal. Spend time with friends. Find a new hobby, go back to school, read a book, write a book, start a new diet, go to the gym, serve someone in need. Fill the emptiness with something positive, anything positive. Learn to play piano or guitar, go to a concert, start walking regularly, get a pet, grow a garden, learn to cook, get some homing pigeons. Start biking, triking, long boarding, dancing, roller skating or running. In other words, LIVE YOUR LIFE! That's what we're all here for, right? It's so easy to get focused on our pain and losses that we forget what an amazing gift it is to be alive. You're going through a storm right now, but no matter how bad your situation is there is still something good in your life. Find it, no matter how small, and focus on it. Joy is never more than a single thought away. All of this will get easier with time, with practice, with healing. It won't be easy, and it won't be quick, but there is something waiting for you on the other side of this journey. It's called triumph.

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Thank you, I dont know why I miss her now, I've seen her with a guy she's seeing, added some closure but my job keeps me away from home, only where and what is home? What am I really missing? My health is starting to so now I'm getting adequate sleep, not drinking and trying to remain positive. Time will help

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