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Its kind of funny...

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Have you ever go the feeling that a girl or a guy is always looking at you? But you never if they are really looking at you or something else. And then, the day dream kicks in and you think that person likes you. And the heat goes on until you decide to do something about it, but soon you find out your are just thinnking too much. Ever had a experience like that? Its kind of funny, yet its a part of human nature, arrogant and proud. You never what may kick in next.

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Hmm, I know what you mean. It's not wrong to think somebody might like you...what's wrong is when you like them too and you start living a fantasy, and don't try to talk to the person or anything. It's best to take some form of action as soon as you percieve interest, flirt a bit. When you feel confident take it to the next step.


I also don't think it has anything to do with arrogance or pride. Is it arrogant and proud to think that others should find you attractive, if you carry yourself well? It's arrogant to think that everyone will find you attractive, but it's all well and good to hope that those you like might like you back.


And to answer your question. Yes, I've had these day dreaming experiences. Both with girls that actually liked me and girls that didn't. The only way to be sure is to talk to the girl, and try to see things objectively. For example, eye contact is great, but is it accompanied by a smile? Small things like this can help you figure things out. And trust me, when someone truly likes you, you'll know.

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I've been in a situation where there has been some really cute girl accross the room (in classroom) and she started flirting in my direction. I tried tp respond but I turned around and realized she was doing it to the person next to me.


haha, that's always kinda iffy I guess, in a classroom setting, you can't always be sure who somebody is looking at accross the room.

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Most of this ties into the human sixth sense. I will be looking at something else, and if I think someone is staring at me 99% of the time they will. It's like a little psychic power thing of mine lol.


lol...maybe they think you're staring at them so that's why they're staring at you

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