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WOW.. coming out of a relationship isnt all that easy...Ive never felt this way about a girl EVER. I thought that when i fell in love with a girl, she would be happy and all that other stuff. And yet she still found things wrong with me. I couldnt make her happy. i dont even know how to forget about her, she was special.


I just need some help on how to forget her, how to move on with my life without having her there. I just need some advice on how to move on.

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hmmm i can understand where your coming from about finding the person you found who was perfect as rejecting from someone so special and involved in your life can feel terrible as something similiar has happened to me recently.


But, how is she perfect if she split with you? well? that doesnt make her 100% perfect, and im sure there are other things that you didnt click with...


True, it is VERY hard to forget someone that you love, maybe even impossible BUT for the sake of yourself you need to forget, as you mentioned in your first post that is exactly what you are trying to do...


Think of it this way, why keep thinking about someone that broke your heart, destroyed your trust, killed your dreams and make you feel worthless, this makes this girl… not perfect anymore...right?

Maybe you could concentrate on all the bad things when you think of her (as long as you don't start hating her, heh) but… just remember, she isn't perfect because of the pain shes inflicted.


but id defiantly try going out and things and void her as much as possible for a while...

Im not sure on your situation but, if she wants you she will contact you


If you want to talk anytime PM me, or add me to msn [link removed[/email]

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