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Going to wedding soon.... Help


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These people are friends via our daughters mutual sport. We are together at every competition for years now. Outside the competition season it's usually just some random texts, maybe a Sunday morning coffee once in a while. They are getting married! They have a home, have been living together for years, have children together, run a business together, and have their stuff already done and figured out.

It was just time to tie the knot. They have $$ but you wouldn't know it because they are down to earth regular peeps. The wedding is at a restaurant banquet room on a Sunday afternoon. I'm at a loss as far as a gift. I know money always works but I want to do something special. I thought of a gift card for a really nice restaurant, or even a gift card for a night hotel stay somewhere. None of it really works.


Looking for great out-of-the-box ideas. They are such awesome people and I want to do something special but not too expensive.

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