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I am so freakin' lame!!!!

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omg, I know for a fact this girl is interested in me and i'm very interested in her. but i like, put off making any type of move on her. I don't know what my problem is. I'm not scard to make the move but i just don't do it. I'll have the perfect oportunities to kiss her and i never take advantage of it.


And now, today, she told me about this other guy. And how she needs to tell me more about him (this is after she was lying on the couch with me and holding my hand and all) and she said she tells him all about me. And I asked "like what?" and she goes "how adorable i am" and "that i'm nice" etc...And i'm like woa..lol


then, beforehand actually, she asked if it was ok if this dude went with us to a theme park next weekend and she also invited her sister and her husband. I said i didn't care. See, i dont' want to seem like the type of person that makes it where she can't have friends. yet, this kinda bothers me.


i don't know if she was just telling me cuz he's a friend or what...and why would she be holding my hand and flirting if she was interested in him. And if she was intersted in both of us, why then would she tell eachother about the other and then invited us both out?


i'm just so freakin' confused.


n e advice?

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I'm thinking that she was saying really "You have the opportunity to make a move on me, or I'm going for this guy.". I think she might go for him if you don't make a move. You need to stop being non-confident with yourself and get some confidence that your move that you will make will work. Anything hold you back from making a move in the past?

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just my own stupidity. i had a chance one day at her house, but her dad was home and he kept coming in sporatically and i didn't want him to walk in on us. I'm not scared to kiss her, i seriously don't know what it is. It's dumb. Then today, when she was leaving for work, she was in her car and that's when she was like "i need to tell you more about" the other guy's name. and that she tells him all about me also. And it kinda turned my stomach and i couldn't kiss her ...but as i was closing the door she kissed at me. like my title says: i'm lame. i can admit it.

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I think you should explain this to her before she falls for this other guy. Also theres a possiblity she doesn't like this other guy because usually from my expieriences when a girl tells another guy how "cute", "adorable", what a guy is that usually means the guy is hitting on her and she's like "Back off". But yeah just explain to her that. Do it for yourself, you don't want her moving on. Girls don't like it when guys are afraid to make a move. They will eventually move on after a period of time.

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To make it turn out better avoid the booze. Believe me the difference between drunk and sober can impact a phone call significantly. Don't do it or risk her thinking you have no self-respect. But yeah, go ahead and call her.





MetallicA is awesome, my other favorite is Chevelle. I'm more of an alternative guy not really into metal these days, all of the new bands are too black and it sounds like their talking out of their ***. lol. Seriously I can't stand this weird satanic voice **** with it's retarded bass effects. Screaming is ok though, but can get annoying. The only exception for screaming I think is for the band Refused their a hardcore punk band, pretty good I think. You should buy one of their albums. The Shape Of Punk to Come (Not the EP).

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