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hey everyone i have posted before but it has been a while, how is everyone? welll my girlfriend and i went out for like 5 months then i broke up with her and now we are going back out. i can honestly say that if i have ever loved anyone she is the one. we have been telling eachother that we love eachother for like 4 months now.

the other night we got to talking about different things and she had a lot of questions for me. i did my best to answer them and made it clear that i answered what i could. she started to get frusterated like she said she would. i even expected her to but she had something on her mind that she needed to say. the reason she got frustrated is because she didnt understand my answer and so i asked her to explain what she was asking and then she got really frustrated. it was late and we both needed sleep so we ended our conversation and i said "Good night babe, i love you.". she made it clear she couldnt say she loved me sincerely and instead just said "night". when i asked her why she couldnt tell me she loved me she saiod she wouldnt have meant it.

does this mean she doesnt love mr? i think she should always be able to tell me that she loves me no matter what. is this to much to ask?

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my guess is that, yes, she still loves you... she was just upset/frustrated. Her emotions were running... and she probably didnt want to sugar coat how she was feeling. She wanted answers from you... since she didnt get them, she didn't want to make you feel like that was okay, by saying "i love you, night" .... talk to her about it.... im sure you'll figure everything out. good luck!

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