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Worried my boyfriend likes guys

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It was actually Antoine Griezmann he noticed with those blue eyes haha..

I mean yes he's good looking but I couldn't ever tell his hair color or eye color.. And on the other hand he really really doesn't seem like he's noticing any other girls..


Anyways.. my other reasons why Im worried are all things that aren't specific for gay people..


Yes he is into me.. and I already asked him a few weeks ago or so if he could ever have sex with a guy and he said like: no, it disgusts me..


I dont know. I probably interprete too much in little things.. literally seeking for signs..


Yeah I had a weird feeling it was him. And I'm straight as a yard stick. His eyes are really blue though, I feel like they do stick out compared to other peoples' eyes. He might as well be a White Walker from Game of Thrones.


Like I said he's just a super secure dude and doesn't give a crap about what others think. Get over your insecurities.

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Thank you for your answers


Yes I'm really looking for signs that prove me wrong. And I'm really insecure but I have no machoes as guy friends at all but though no one ever mentioned something about another guy..


Do you also then look at the guys butt when one passes by or you walk behind one? Even unconsciously.. without any thoughts..


If you say then I can't tell by his behaviour.. would I notice it when we're making love? And how?


@the OP, there are no signs at all that he's gay! I have a guy cousin which I'm very close to and also his gay friends, so I'm pretty familiar with gay tenancies. We chat and hang out all the time. As well, I have many many straight male friends. That being said, nothing bother's me more than a guy being a womanizer and comments on her legs and etc all the time. I think your boyfriend is being a gentlemen by not making those comments around you. My husband has NEVER comment on another woman in front of me. We've traveled to lots of sunny destinations and etc, never once did, and I appreciate him for that. That's something he could do around his male friends but I find it to be disrespectful to be doing around me. I hear straight men comment on other men. Its all in your maturity level. I think you are a little insecure and immature on how you view sexuality.

By the as I mentioned I'm very familiar with gay tenancies and you might be surprised, that gay men loves to comment on woman's looks. They would say oh that man is hot, but they would comment a lot on another woman as in she's so pretty, love her outfit, oh love that purse... etc. I'm best friends with my gay cousin and we tell each other everything and trust me, 80% of the time, he's commenting on another woman. Does that mean he's not gay? I could reassure you, he's gay as it could be and very open about it.


By the way I hear so so many straight men talk about Tom Brady all the time to the point of a man crush. It DOES NOT mean that they are gay. They just have a love for football and comfortable with their sexuality. I asked my gay cousin and he's like who's Tom Brady? Think about that one.

I believe you either need to work on your maturity and insecurities or you won't have a boyfriend to worry about any longer. Good Luck!

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