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Flowers/stuffed animals

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I've explained this a million times already, but at my high school there's this girl whom I've had a huge crush on lately (she's a sophomore, I'm a senior), and have been getting to know her. She is really shy around people (especially guys) that she doesn't know very well, especially me. For a while, I KNEW she had a thing for me, but lately it's been a little different. I have one class with her and I see her briefly earlier in the day during passing period when she goes to her locker before running to class (I have lunch when she has class -- the whole 2 lunch schedule thing). She knows I like her cause I gave her a note a while back that said (almost a pickup line) she was cute. She giggled and her face turned red. Then at the end of the period I asked her how she was doing on the classwork and she blushed. That was the only time since then that she has done that.


Anyways, lately she hasn't been too interested in talking with me (either she is tired or in a rush to get somewhere). I tried asking her out last week (actually, it was an "Are you busy tonight?"), but she said she had plans, hesitant to say something else. My plan now is to continue making small talk with her, getting to know her better.


I've seen some girls in the school carry around flowers every once in a while, which got me thinking... would it brighten her up if I gave her a bouquet (sp?) of flowers or a stuffed animal (like in a couple weeks, maybe a bunny) every once in a while to brighten things up. Especially with Easter coming up in a couple weeks, I thought that it might be a good idea. Or what if I just unexpectedly gave her some flowers at the end of the week? Would this kind of speak for me as far as asking her out?

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I think flowers would be pretty nice to give to her it shows your care about her. I am in the same situation but reversed I am in 10th grade and theirs this senior (12th grader) who I think likes me becauses shes flirting with me every day now. And I like her. But anyway I think it would be a good idea for you to give her flowers.

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I thought about asking her if she wanted to go putt-putting (mini-golf) on the weekend sometime (maybe the afternoon), since the weather has been so nice lately here in Seattle. ...and plus, it's something that doesn't take any skill to have fun.


Thanks for the replies, guys.

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Well, I'm in the class right now (we're not doing anything today).


So I had them in my hand earlier in the day and I waited in the hall for her to go to her locker, hiding them behind me, and she is with her friend going into the bathroom. I wait and then they come out and just leave for class, not stopping by her locker. I didn't want to be brave and hand it to her with her friend beside her, so I went the other way.

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Alright just give her the flowers when you feel the time is right. I can understand them with their friends and you handing them flowers with her friend standing right their its pretty scary work. But maybe she did not have to go to her locker any way theirs always more day's to give her the flowers.

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It felt like the right time, but she HAD to have her friend with her. I almost said "What the #&@^?" out loud, cause there was my chance walking in the other direction. It ain't that big of a deal, really.


We didn't do anything all period so I drew her face on a piece of a paper (an excuse to look at her all period, though she didn't know about it until the end of class), showed it to her at the end of class, and walked out of the room with her, chatting. And she actually initiated conversation! A first with her. It was actually the most we have talked at any given time, so I felt a lot better after that.


After we were done chatting afterschool, I took off to the band room to get my sax (which is in the instrument storage room, which is where I put the roses after I first saw her in the morning), and I could have said something like "I have a surprise for you. I just need like 2 minutes of your time", but she was already gone by then.

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Well I don't think I'll be getting her flowers anymore, cause this morning at school she told me (paraphrased) that she isn't into me like I am into her. She said it in a way that wasn't a slap in the face like "get away from me" or something similar, so I haven't been down really. Doesn't mean her and I still can't still be friends.


Girls can be confusing, that's for sure.

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ouch that sucks dude. She might of not been ready for a relationship or she was nervous and her answer came out wrong. Well at least you are still friends and maybe she will come around for you. Don't be bummed out. Just think positive and you will find plenty more girls. And yes girls can be confusing sometimes and I bet you they are saying the same about us guys.

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Be glad that at least she told you the truth, so you no longer have to waste time on her.


For future reference:

I think giving flowers and candy and poems and other stuff to girls should only be done when already in a relationship, or at least when you already know that she likes you. If you're unsure as to whether she likes you or not, giving her this stuff hurts your cause, IMO. It's almost like saying "Here, I'm trying to win your approval by giving you this - please be mine." Doing it too early kills that "mystery" that girls can't get enough of - the "does he like me or not" stage. Now, once she's told you how you feel, give her flowers and candy (1) if you feel the same (2) if you feel she deserves it (3) Because you want to.

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