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How old were you?

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mean if u got pregnant or someone pregnant how would u support the kid?And do that many people still believe in true love before sex?Or do most people nowadays just believe in it for fun and enjoyment?


Fun and enjoyment all the way! Rofl, jk. I dunno, can't you just have both? I'm sort of a "do what feels good at the time" person, 'specially after a few drinks..


And there is such a thing as abortion, condoms, the pill, morning after pill..


Don't you youngsters feel guilty afterwards? I mean there is a law about underage sex!

Alot of people have regrets about their first time.. they might feel a bit.. uh (guilty?) but not coz they broke the law.. who gives a #@*% about that I reckon having a law about underage sex is stupid really.. like, yeah, its easy to say 12 year olds shouldn't be having sex.. but if they're mentally mature enough to handle it and the consequences of it, like the new emotions and other people's reactions and everything.. But like, yeah, I agree, if some 13 year old does it just because all of its friends have done it too.....

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Fun and enjoyment all the way! Rofl, jk. I dunno, can't you just have both? I'm sort of a "do what feels good at the time" person, 'specially after a few drinks..


I don't know how 15 year olds could drink alchohol like that either. That's beyond me.


And there is such a thing as abortion, condoms, the pill, morning after pill..


No need to kill babies inside of you when you can wear condoms and use birth control.


Alot of people have regrets about their first time.. they might feel a bit.. uh (guilty?) but not coz they broke the law.. who gives a #@*% about that I reckon having a law about underage sex is stupid really.. like, yeah, its easy to say 12 year olds shouldn't be having sex.. but if they're mentally mature enough to handle it and the consequences of it, like the new emotions and other people's reactions and everything.. But like, yeah, I agree, if some 13 year old does it just because all of its friends have done it too.....


People make laws for reason. Disrespect it all you want, but it still doesn't change the fact that laws like these are made for good intentions. But as far as I know, in some states it is legal to have sex as long as you are both under 18 and not more than 4 years apart age-wise. Only in some states though.


And are you going to say 'who gives a ****' to the officer when he catches you drinking and driving? Hope not.

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I don't know how 15 year olds could drink alchohol like that either. That's beyond me.

Omg, lol.. I said a few! Not like, a 6 pack an hour

No need to kill babies inside of you when you can wear condoms and use birth control.

Exactly. Shinobie said "I mean, if you got pregnant or got someone pregnant how would you support the kid?" etc.. I was just saying, if you have sex it doesn't mean you're going to get pregnant.. yeah, there's a risk, but if you take all the nessicary precautions and that...

People make laws for reason. Disrespect it all you want, but it still doesn't change the fact that laws like these are made for good intentions. But as far as I know, in some states it is legal to have sex as long as you are both under 18 and not more than 4 years apart age-wise. Only in some states though.

18? Woah. Down here in Australia its 16.. you can get your liscence at 16 too. And legal drinking age is 18. Not really sure where you live, but im assuming America or somewhere like that.. I dont know, I just think having a law on the age you can be before you "legally" have sex is stupid. Some people mature faster than others... I know a couple, she's 14 and he's 24, and her boyfriend is facing jail because they had sex. She's really mature for her age, he's really immature, but they both love eachother and they're perfect together, been together for like, 3 years now.. and he's going to jail because of some stupid law saying you're not allowed to have sex until you're 16?

And are you going to say 'who gives a ****' to the officer when he catches you drinking and driving? Hope not.

Lmao. Of course I am! Think i'll do it on a three day weekend too; double demerit points.

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Well first of all i personally is that having a law against underage sex is a good thing.PLus especially when u get pregnant.Whats the first thing any young kid is gonna do.IS go to mommy and daddy to help take care of the kid.The poor people are taken 18 years of their lives to take care of us lil brats!Now they might have to spend more money on the kids cause they cant do one thing to support it at that age.I mean a kid taking care of a kid ya thats pretty logical with alcohol u say.ITs fricken great to have a law against people who r basially kids to drink it.I mean alcohol makes u very stupid and very unaware of whats goes on around u.PLus at a party or something with how many inconsiderate jerks there are ur gonna get taken advantage of.Ya then on the thing of abortion mean how cruel is that u create life then u kill it by your own stupid mistake.Thats really cruel in my eyes

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Of course you like a sex law Shinobe, you can't get any and need an excuse. And abortion, the kid hasn't developed yet, it's a conjoined sperm and egg, its nothing. That's like saying that having your period is bad because those eggs could have been babies, well guess what they aren't.



And, Shinobie, what's even crueler than "creating life and then killing it by your own stupid mistake" is bringing a new baby into this world, into a family where it isn't really wanted, can't be supported properly or loved like it should have.

"When you get pregnant, the first thing some young kid is going to do is go running to mummy and daddy.." Yeah, if someone's really that immature they shouldn't be having sex in the first place! But if they're mentally mature enough, understand the consequences, take the nessicary stuff.. really. Why do you keep saying "WHEN you get pregnant", like, if you have sex its ultimatley going to lead to the girl getting pregnant? Yeah, there is a risk, but its not DEFINATLEY going to happen EVERY time you have sex!


Yeah.. I suppose it is a good idea to have a law against underage drinking, but its not like it stops anyone.

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Omg, lol.. I said a few! Not like, a 6 pack an hour


Regardless of how much, do you really have that much of a need to drink alchohol at such a young age? Or are you just doing it to 'fit in with the crowd' so to speak?


Exactly. Shinobie said "I mean, if you got pregnant or got someone pregnant how would you support the kid?" etc.. I was just saying, if you have sex it doesn't mean you're going to get pregnant.. yeah, there's a risk, but if you take all the nessicary precautions and that...


I was commenting how you added abortion as a contraceptive method and it was stating that such a method should not be used alone.


18? Woah. Down here in Australia its 16.. you can get your liscence at 16 too. And legal drinking age is 18. Not really sure where you live, but im assuming America or somewhere like that.. I dont know, I just think having a law on the age you can be before you "legally" have sex is stupid. Some people mature faster than others... I know a couple, she's 14 and he's 24, and her boyfriend is facing jail because they had sex. She's really mature for her age, he's really immature, but they both love eachother and they're perfect together, been together for like, 3 years now.. and he's going to jail because of some stupid law saying you're not allowed to have sex until you're 16?


Yeah I'm in America. I'm used to most posters being from America. Didn't realize you were from another country. You think these laws are stupid? What would you think would happen if these laws didn't exist? I mean seriously think about that. Think about why the law exists before you conclude that it is stupid.

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Of course you like a sex law Shinobe, you can't get any and need an excuse. And abortion, the kid hasn't developed yet, it's a conjoined sperm and egg, its nothing. That's like saying that having your period is bad because those eggs could have been babies, well guess what they aren't.


Well at that point many can argue that it is more than 'nothing' and many can argue the opposite.

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Regardless of how much, do you really have that much of a need to drink alchohol at such a young age? Or are you just doing it to 'fit in with the crowd' so to speak?


When you're 20 do you really have that much of a need to drink? no, but you do anyway Or do /you/ do that just to 'fit in with the crowd'?

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Regardless of how much, do you really have that much of a need to drink alchohol at such a young age? Or are you just doing it to 'fit in with the crowd' so to speak?


When you're 20 do you really have that much of a need to drink? no, but you do anyway Or do /you/ do that just to 'fit in with the crowd'?


Nope not at all. In fact I've only drinked maybe 3 times in my whole life. And I sure as heck don't follow the crowd at all. She is 15. I think it's almost scary to be doing it at that age. I don't know how people do it these days. When I was 15 I just truly didn't care about sex or alchohol at all. I really didn't. Guess times really are changing.

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LMAO this comment doesnt make me mad it makes me laugh.That just shows that ur insecure about that.PLus it shows that u are SO predictable.I knew the second i would post that u would say that!Like 90% of girls are the same my sister is going throught eh same stage.My mom called herself a jerk about herself when she was young.A waitress at work said the ssame thing about herself.IVe known many women that think the same way about theirselves.As ive known many guys that say they were out there for nothing but sex and taking advanatge of women such as my dad and other people i know.So both sides have their bad.Thats the only defense u got is that.IVe had a girl tell me that im not bad looking,that im an enjoyable person to talk to,and that im really nice and caring.I would rather be the persona i am now then getting sex all the time i dont care about that.I dont want sex sky maybe U think about that.I would really want love way more then that .You migth want it just for fun destroying its meaning and stuff but i dont want that.I cann tell u one thing a person growing up the way i did without all that sex and relationships and things its given me a way better aspect about it but not about myself.Its given me so many morals and stuff well i guess thats just how everything makes people different.As for the sex age limit the only thing i have against lower age sex is the fact that if u guys give birth to kid u have no WAY! of supporting it that well but at 14 ur parents have to come in and help......I dont care if youngins do it its their fault.....If they feel like wasting all the good free years of their lives and turning it into somewhat of a hell i feel sorry for them yes but its their fault.

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[kitz] And, Shinobie, what's even crueler than "creating life and then killing it by your own stupid mistake" is bringing a new baby into this world, into a family where it isn't really wanted, can't be supported properly or loved like it should have.

P.S. i dont know how to quote

U wanna know one simple way of not bringing a kid into the world where it wont be loved and cared for like it should be or an abortion.Dont have sex at all condoms and stuff do work most of the time but if u dont want that to happen just dont have sex till ur rdy to support a kid and love iono

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I was 19, he was 22.


Just a point to Kitz, I think the point Shinobe was trying to make was that young teenagers, regardless of how mature they think they are, are really not ready for the maturity it takes to form and take part in a committed relationship (ie a sexual one). Kitz, from your responses it's clear you have a lot of growing up to do, and thats fine -- hell I remember being 15, it wasnt that long ago! but in reality, you shouldnt be having sex, or drinking, because if you think that that is what makes you 'grown up' and 'mature' then you have a long way to go...



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I was 19, he was 22.


Just a point to Kitz, I think the point Shinobe was trying to make was that young teenagers, regardless of how mature they think they are, are really not ready for the maturity it takes to form and take part in a committed relationship (ie a sexual one). Kitz, from your responses it's clear you have a lot of growing up to do, and thats fine -- hell I remember being 15, it wasnt that long ago! but in reality, you shouldnt be having sex, or drinking, because if you think that that is what makes you 'grown up' and 'mature' then you have a long way to go...




I agree with the last sentence.

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