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Hey guys. I haven't posted for a really long time, but now I am back with a new problem. Anyway, those of you that have been here for a while might have read some of my older posts, but I will go over them, so not to worry.

Anyway, so there is this girl named Lauren. She is my best friend, and has been for two years now. We talk all the time about stuff, and she tell me things that she doesn't tell anybody else, it is a very trusting realationship. Anyway, so beggining... well pretty much the day I met her, I have had this thing for her. She is very good looking, and a great person. I had a serious crush on her for a long time, and asked her out twice. Each time was horrible timing, she was ether coming out of a long relationship, or in one. So I kinda backed away from that a little. We still were really good friends and everything, but I just pretended not to "like her like that," but I still kind of do, like everytime I see her I become really happy. But she has a bf of like, a couple of years on and off now, so im not about to do anything. Things have been going pretty good since then, anyway.


Then, there is this other girl... Her name is Jenny. We have been really good friends for a year. We went out for two weeks last year, it went really well right up until the end, which ended with me doing about the worst break-up ever, over the internet... on her birthday. Yeah, it's horrible, I know. But after a couple of weeks we started talking again, and became really good friends. Now we talk all the time. But lately when we talk in person, its kind of different. I can tell that she kind of likes me, and we have been flirting, alot. I kind of like her too.


Basically, I like them both. Lauren is a year older, and there is a good chance that nothing will ever happen, but somehow I can't get her out of my mind. Jenny is a year younger, we have a history, and if I ask her out, given good timing, I know she would say yes, and that I would be happy.


So my question is, what do you think I should do? I could stick it out being single and seeing what migh come of Lauren. Orrr Go out with Jenny, who is a great perosn and all but, I dunno, I am kind of confused. just any comments or advise would be great. It just helps to get it all out.

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If I were you, I'd let Jenny be. If you're still thinking about Lauren, then Jenny will intuitively feel your passion for her. Women are very keen with our intuition. We can easily sense these things. And when we're in a relationship, where we feel as though our partner's thinking about another person, we feel it. It hurts. If you haven't resolved your feelings for Lauren, and Jenny hasn't helped you realize that Lauren is not the one, then let her be. She deserves to be with someone who genuinely feels about her, the same that you feel for Lauren.


Sounds to me, your connection with Jenny is lukewarm compared to Lauren. And, if you do decide to go out with Jenny, the subject of your being good friends with Lauren is inevitable. She's a part of your life, and you talking about her will come up. Jenny will sense you desire for Lauren in one way or the other. She may not completely be able to put her finger on it, but she will sense it. Resolve your feelings first. That's all I can say.


'Kinda' just doesn't cut it. Not for romance. Kinda = Lukewarm, which equates to not as strong of a chemistry. Go for someone who you definitely know 'for sure' that this chick's the one who you want to be with, because you truly feel that 'strong' connection.

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