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Has anyone else heard of these? They are little particles of food and saliva that gather in your tonsils. They smell horrible and make you feel like you have something stuck in your throat. They look like tiny yellowish white clumps, and sometimes I can get them out. If anyone has any advice about them please let me know.

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.........weird i never knew it was particles off food i just thought it was a infection like any other desease...


ive had it a few times, and you just need to see the doctor to give you medicine.. my sistr had it quite alot and had to have her tonsils removed

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I think thats what I have and why I always have such bad breath (It smells like rotten flesh) I'm relieved someone else has it, not just me. What do you do to get rid of it, I don't want my tonsils removed my family doesn't have the $ to and yeah. Any over-the-counter or prescription drugs, some highly effective mouthwash to get rid of it? One time I gagged but I got my toothbrush back there and there was some yellow stuff on it. .

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Well don't loose heart, I've lived with this for over 40 years! You might wonder how I came about this site, I was searching the web and found it, I know most of you guys are much younger than me! I thought I was the only one with this problem. I too use the end of a tooth brush to "pop" out the tonsil stones. It can be really gross but makes your throat feel better and you dont get that queezy feeling in your tummy.


I guess we just have to live with it...


If anyone has any suggestions of how to get rid of them permanently let us know.

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