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Update on situation

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Hello, just updating on my situation, gonna keep it brief.


So, she broke up with me 24 days ago and im on day 20 of nc. overall im feeling much better than the living hell that were the first 2 weeks following the breakup. (Though I still get episodes of deep sadness, but not as bad as before)

I started doing workout every morning. dumbbells, cardio and full body workouts. I am starting to eat healthier now, more vegetables and fruit go into my everyday diet. Oh, and tomorrow is my last final exam of this semester so yaaaaaay, vacations!(?) I don't know if I want vacations, im gonna feel so lonely and bored, since I don't have much friends and my gf left me (though I'm gonna contact her when I feel ready to have friendly conversations with her again) I feel like this vacations are gonna be a bit sad for me. So thats jus and update on my situation, I know I could just had written it in a journal but It feels much better when you feel like someone is listening to you.

Ah, and my cat got into a huge fight with another cat and got himself injured. poor cat




ps: sorry for bad english.

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Oh and also I want to thank that guy Wiseman2 who gave me some rather useful advice in some of my previous posts (And every other post here really) when I was really really bad... thank you Mr. Wiseman2, you deserve a cookie

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I don't know if I want vacations, im gonna feel so lonely and bored, since I don't have much friends and my gf left me (though I'm gonna contact her when I feel ready to have friendly conversations with her again)


No, you're going to cling to your feelings for her and try to transpose them into a friendship... Don't kid yourself...


Sorry to call you out like that, but honestly... Past needs to be past, no matter how many push-ups you do, or how well you take care of yourself to fill that void of self-validation and support.


Ending on good terms and everything aside... you're still trying to preserve a broken relationship.

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I think you should go out and explore, seeing new things helps the mind relax and the changes force you to be in the present. For me personally, being around nature really soothes me and helps me heal. Even if youre on your own it will help.

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