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My gf i think is a drama queen not intentionally though....Drama follows her.. You name it suicides friends crying to her it is drama!.... Me on the other hand is i dont give a penny. I just see things and just keep going.. Like the guy in office space....dont give a shizzle. I could kill someone not have any emotion. I dont understand why it is so opposite for each of us. I dont get why i have no emotion...I guess i just got over drammad myself and decided to not let anything effect me... I kind of like it i mean knowing something terrible can happen an i can be like whatever

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Two of my closest friends are drama queens. I'm pretty emotional myself, but not as much as they are. Everything is a major drama... misplacing their keys, a restaurant closed earlier than they thought, gas prices raised a penny, whatever. You can't change a drama queen.

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People deal with certain aspects of life very differently.


I'm sure you're well aware, but girls often have fluctuating hormone levels which may cause certain emotions.


Many people deal with life just like you do- kind of ignore the situation, and dont let it bother you. Others just can't do that. They feel the need to get involved, and in the end yeah, its mostly just drama.


So basically people react to changes in their life differently... I'd say you both are completely normal!

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