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Just friends, or is the 3rd time a charm?

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I dated my "friend" in high school, and a few years later when I was in college. We never really had a break-up, more like both of us stopped calling one another. We both knew what was going on.


Basically, last time we dated which was about 3 years ago, she was going through a big partying phase and I didn't want any part of that. Sure I party, but this was too much for me too handle as a bf. She wanted commitment from me, I didn't want that, shortly after we stopped hanging out and talking.


About a month ago we ran into one another, exchanged numbers, and have been hanging out and talking quite a bit. We've both been in serious relationships during this time away from each other, and neither worked out in the end.


Now, she always calls me, and she calls just about everyday. Sometimes I answer, sometimes I don't and just call back later. When we've hung out it's been fun, she always talking about memories that we shared, flirts with me, etc. Sometimes when she wants to hang out, and I say no I'm doing this, she gets all whiny, like why not, oohh just come out, etc. We've said that we are just friends, but I don't think that's what she is thinking, but I am not going to call her on it. Pretty much I've been just going with the flow.


My question is what to do from here. Just keep doing what I've been doing? Or mention something about it? If I do get involved, it's going to be slow, a lesson I learned from my last serious relationship. I'm still attracted to her, and I know (my ego at least) she is as well. Probably the best way I can put it is that I (or we at most) never gave each other a real chance. I always did not want to get involved, but I have noticed how much she has changed and grown since then, and it's definitely a positive sign.

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Yeah, you could get involved, just don't get drunk with her at parties or do drugs. One beer is fine though. If you have an addiction for alcohol in your family (if a relative is an alcoholic) then don't or if your native-american because they can get really addicted to it. It seems like your using what's in this article but I'm going to tell you about it anyway so you don't screw anything up. Article: link removed . Now believe me man, all of that **** is true otherwise I'd be a grade A ****-talker lol. Just don't do anything for her, don't be a doormat. And whatever your doing right now seems to attract her so don't screw that up, use what's in my article and you'll be ok. And if she doesn't party or whatever any more and she matured, then good. Any questions or anything; problems whatever PM me about it.

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There is nothing wrong to continue seeing her, but don't let her take advantage of you in any form. If you have plans or busy, then she shouldn't be complaining. As long as you two are consistently talking or hanging out with eachother, then that is good enough. If she steps any boundaries that make you uncomfortable, then you need to let her know. Otherwise what kind of friend are you anyways? Since it sounds like she is a party girl, do becareful if you're partying with her & know your limits. In the meantime, if you're still confused as to whether continue anything serious with her, then you can always considering seeing other girls as well to see her she differs from the rest. Good luck!

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