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is it time to say "I love you"


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Its me again, i am the one who posted a couple weeks ago the "What should i do" here is my current problem, the girl in the last post, i am in love with her, i am happy everytime i am with her, and anytime i think about her. We don't talk online as much due to we have more going on with our lifes so we have homework and other stuff, but we sit and talk for an hour or more after school everyday. one day i told her i was starting to fall in love, and she said she never thought she would ever be as close to anyone as she is with me. well a couple days after that, i was hinting that i wanted to tell her that i loved her, and i chickened out and i have no clue, i truly feel that way i just couldn't say it. It could be because in 5 months i have to leave for boot camp, and we might never see each other again. then i asked her if she wanted to say it first (and by it i was hinting at "I love you"). she said she didn't want to jynx what we already had. i still am not 100% sure of what that means. she is the first person i have truly cared about. i am so happy and lucky that she is in my life.

any help or suggestions on what i should do would be greatly appreciated

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Please dont say you love her if youre doubting or not sure, or concerned about the meaning of love. Shell be happy for a bit that you love her, but in the end, if you dont completely, its just gonna hurt everyone involved.

You know when youre reay to say you love someone, when the words just flow out naturally. If youre nervous, doubty or anything, then just dont.

If you get tingles everytime you see her, and everytime youre near her you feel the electricity between you both, saying i love you should be easy...

And youll love her so much, you really wont be worried about saying it.


Just give it time, and when it starts to feel natural, just let out the words as you feel them.

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Umm, I don't think you should and I agree with Belinda's advice. It seems like she just wants to be friends, because you act to "nice guy". I could tell because you held back on telling her. Which isn't bad(because in this situation it was the right thing to do) but you've probably done this on previous encounters in the past.

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well MetallicAguy i don't think she just wants to be friends because she has said she wants to be around me, and when we are togeather and we have to leave she never wants to, i feel the exact same way about her. but i am trying to stay on her parents good side so i usually tell her she should leave so she won't be late getting home. I have never been in this situation before she is the first person i have truly cared about and even thought of saying "i love you" to

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