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today sucks

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I am on a roller coaster ride too, some days I feel great, others I feel like crap, and I start worrying about things, my past, my EX, whatever, and it makes me feel worse. And here at work we have to listen to sappy love type songs......... BLAH



Ok, I feel better now I got part of that out of me!!

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I know how you feel. I've been moping around this whole week. I had a fever monday and tuesday so i was outta work, and i had to spend alot of time alone in bed, so ofcourse all i could think about was my EX. Then this morning on the way to work the Ipod plays the U2 song that i sang to her, and i just started tearing up. I do have plans for tonight but, i just can't get my ex out of my head. the complete cut off she's doing sucks, and i don't understand it. Just be strong, or pretend to be strong....

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Tunica is great!! I love it down there, but Im in Nashville, so its a 4 hour drive. But for me its a good way to get my mind off stuff, which is MY EX right now.


A friend of mine emailed me this today:

If you begin to entertain gloomy ideas, if you no longer have the desire to be active,

if you take no interest in your friends, then you must react very swiftly, for these

are the first signs of depression. The malaises you're suffering from at present are

more psychic than physical, for your general state of health is not bad -- it's your

concerns and anguishes that are the cause. Look for the peace of soul, and then you'll

be in good shape, like a flower early in the morning



DEEP stuff!!

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yeah dudes, i had plans with my ex for the day, i've been sitting around waiting for her. she called me about a hour ago and told me she met up with one of her friends so they went out for lunch. i don't know if i believe her. i think she might be out with a guy. she sounded strange on the phone. oh well

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Ya, see I hate waiting on my EX to call, and waiting, and waiting... Well, last time was Monday, so I see we wont talk today, well today I cant stand her.... LOL Roller Coaster. I need an amusement park to open up already!!


shiminimo, has she come out and told you there is someone else in the picture?? If not, dont let your mind wander too much, it will tear you apart man....

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yeah...this weekend is going to be the first for me too without a boyfriend in as long as I can remember...it sounds lousy when I say it but I purposely made plans to "keep busy".


The best way to get through these times Shiminimo is to accept that you feel the way you do as loooousy as that is and remember that you won't be stuck in that sort of feeling forever. Life cycles emotions and moments and the more we get to know that happiness, pain, and elation just keep on repeating themselves we know that happiness-at some point-is on its way. Hope that makes some sense....


We all feel alone sometimes, feel like know ones around for us, that we live the boring life with nothing to do. It's overall a really negative thought and the feelings that go with that are the same. Just know you're not alone and this too shall pass.

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My gosh people have you forgotten that the single life has its advantages too?


It's OK I get down sometimes too. It's all a big rollercoaster for everyone. Hehe. Like yesturday I was feeling terrible but today for some unknown reason I feel better.


Just keep yourself out there. Try not to stay at home too much if you can help it. Even if it's as simple as going to the movies it's all good. As for me, might meet a friend at a rave tonight.


Hope your situations gets better everyone!

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