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URGENT ! help.!

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Is it okay if exes meet over a weekend after two years...if the girl happens to visit her common best friend of theirs who lives in the same city as the guy .. ? and taking that they have been friends after they broke up.. and the guy has been with someone else also after that...

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Is it okay if exes meet over a weekend after two years...if the girl happens to visit her common best friend of theirs who lives in the same city as the guy .. ? and taking that they have been friends after they broke up.. and the guy has been with someone else also after that...


I think it's okay for them to meet whenever they want. Which person are you in this scenario, so we can really know what you're asking?

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also point to add is... she had messaged him and her best friend that they could meet.. and looking forward to see you..

to which he didnt reply. but I believe he would go meet anyway as they were all in the same gang for four years ...

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Honestly, if he's being open with you about this and they have been friends since the break-up I think you have nothing to worry about. He's with you now...she knows that, right? Also if they are all going to meet as a group it's even less of an issue. If he hasn't given you any reason to mistrust him, then you have to just trust him on this and let him see his friends. This scenario may not be a common one but if you handle it with maturity I think that's your best bet for a good outcome.

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