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I still feel bad for hurting my exes. But I know these young relationships weren't meant to last forever. Nothing was wrong, it was just time to move on.


My last relationship was the hardest because I did something I never had done before, and that was leave my ex for my current BF. It tore me apart, but in the long run I know it was best for my ex because I couldn't have pretended to love him after meeting my BF it wouldn't have been fair to either of us.

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That's true. I have been both. However each dumping situation was different. Most times I have been dumped I realised it was for the best even though it hurt. Every time I dumped I agonised over it and knew it had to be done. Then I have been dumped and heartbroken too. I can't get an insight into being able to dump someone I liked because it was inconvenient. That seems to me a very selfish and foolish thing and if theres any karma then those people deserve to end up alone.

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I agree with that, although at the time of being dumped it is difficult to think straight, later you see that maybe he or she wasn't the right person. After all, if they were they would try and work things out wouldn't they?


Remember that the dumper is being selfish and only thinks of themselves, what they want...and so on, so sometimes the dumpee has to think of themselves and work on moving on as quickly as possible. Life is pretty short as it is.

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I've been at both ends (haven't we all) - and think that you simply have to be honest with them and yourself....bottom line. The strangest situations I've been in - when you get dumped by someone you considered breaking up with for a while but just never did. That was unusual - because it went from "we're just not right for each other" to "What the heck is wrong with me - what doesn't she like?". Pretty crazy... lol


As for results - i'm not sure what to say. My first love - highschool sweetheart many years ago - broke up with me because she had met someone else...but she lied to me about it. Having a woman you love hold your hands and look deep into your eyes and tell you they love you, would and could never lie to you - then outright lie to your face....it was a terrible first breakup experience! It took me many many years to get through it - and since her - i haven't had a serious long term relationshp that lasted more than a month or two. I'm over her - it was 10 years ago -and I'm happy that things did end (we weren't right for each other) - but I think her behaviour really did a number on me and sometimes I wonder if it still effects me and my dating life.

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I haven't regretted any of the breakups in which I was the dumper in... and I don't regret being dumped in a lot of situations because in many of them I realized the person wasn't right for me, or someone else was more right for me.


The last breakup I've had to deal with is different however... I was the dumpee and I'm still having trouble to this day. I miss him and love him terribly. It's so stupid to feel that way after he's hurt me, but I can't help loving him still. Yet I know we're not meant to be right now, probably never in the future. I like to think that if we're meant to be, we'll cross paths again someday and start over fresh.... and if we're not meant to be, then I'll meet someone even better and it'll make me think "why were you so caught up on that a**hole???"

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