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My Best Friend Is Flipping Me Out!

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She has decided to end her marriage to her hubby of 25 years, and she's cheating with another man to do it. And get this, he's still married too! I am so ashamed of what she is doing! They both go to the same small rural church with no more than about 200 people. She thinks that she and this man can both get divorced and be together without a major social brawl, and I have told her time and again that she is asking for major trouble. Her marriage is over because her hubby is a passive aggressive person who has not been having sex with her for 13 years! And she says he treats her like a child.


Okay, so I'm not really asking for advice, but I need to vent.


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I could defiantely see how you would feel frustrated with this situation. Sometimes, no matter how much advice you give, people only will listen to what they want to hear. Unfortunetly in this case theres not much you can do if your a loyal friend - whch I assume you are. It seems odd that your friend would be enganging in an affair, with the church indirectly being involved. Maybe a talk with the minister (or priest, or whatever) would be helpful?

Good luck and I hope your friend sees the light.

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LOL! No, she is typically the pious type, now sadly I see that it was all sefl-serving. If there is something she really wants she will do it even if it hurts others. It makes me sad to see this because after knowing her for about 30 years, I didn't know she was capable of doing this! While I understand her frustration with her hubby and the way he treats her, I can't see how she does not understand that it isn't right to break up someone else's marriage because of it. Her excuse is that her marriage is over and so is the marriage of her bf. I think what will happen is that they will be caught, and then her hubby and the other man's wife will break out a huge can of whip a-- on the both of them. My friends life has revolved around the church and the members. I have tried to get her to see that she risks alienation from that, but NO, she thinks it will be okay and people will understand.

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