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strange problem, please help

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i have finally realized that i have this really strange problem, its like i would be sitting down doing something my homework or something on the computer i would suddenly feel some kind of really strange pain in my muscles or sometimes in my bones, well i think its more in my muscles, and it would stay there for like 5 or 10 seconds sometimes it would be for 1 second kinda like a shock, and the pain is kinda sharp, it happnes every once in a while may be like 7 - 10 times a week, it happens in different areas of my body, sometime my leg muscles or may be arm muscles, sometimes my hands, is this the signs for cancer? what is it can some one please help me?

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That is h***a weird. Seems like you need to relax. (This sounds really stupid but I got it out a book and it works). Book: "Try to imagine a calm, light blue ocean in Hawaii, with a slow tide.". Then repeat that 5 times or more if you need to. Could it be your posture? How do you sit? But most likely your just stressing hard. Well when I'm doing my homework I usually listen to some Blues or Stevie Ray Vaughan, that calms me down. The worst thing I can think of though is that you have some kind of muscle disorder or is it a spasm? I'll tell you a story I had somewhat similar to this about 3 years ago. I had this kind of pain after I had been sitting down for a long time in my abdomen. I'd take a deep breath and then 10-13 breaths after I'd have what it seemed to be the end and/or front of my ribcage poke one or both of my lungs and I'd suddenly lose air in my lungs like it was asthma or something. I don't really have asthma or been around smoking or have a parent who smokes. I never knew what the f*** it was. I went to a doctor and even he said he didn't know lol. Anyway I think your just stressing, your in college too so it's probably normal.

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Like do you have a certain exercise you doing in the morning or any part of the day that hurts or may stretch or exercise one of these areas or is it completely random. I have something that's just like this in my neck too it feels like I'm pulling a vein lol. What it does is I'll run or walk or sit and turn my head at a moderate or fast speed and it'll feel like I ripped a vein in my neck/head and it'll hurt for 10 seconds. I have no idea what it is.

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Yeah, what the h*** is this weird vein pulling thing, I get it sometimes when I'm running or w/e and after it feels like blood is oozing out of the vein or maybe that's my endorphins on my brain lol. This might be kind of off topic but might relate but, do you get enough calcium? maybe it's your body's way of communicating to you that your bones are really weak. lol I can't really figure out what this is.

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YES, DEFINITELY exercise at your age. You don't want weenie arms at age 20. lol especially when your in college when everyone thinks there hot s***. It has something to do with exercise. So go take a jog drink some water. Lay off the Cheez-It's and old leftover's with mold from 3 weeks ago in your roommates refrigerator lol.

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You know what, this reminds me of fibralgia (pain of the muscles). It's very painful I've heard.



You should go to the doctor and find out what it is. I haven't read all the other replies, but someone may have said this by now.


I'd like to hear about what you find out. There are things you can to do curb the pain. It could be many different things, but I wouldn't go thinking it's as horrible as cancer till you've actually been diagnosed.



Please let us know?




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bilal72401, I think you can rest assured that you don't have cancer. Cancer doesn't create random pain all over the place in your body. I've had pain, like shooting pain, periodically in my leg and knee every since I was a kid. It would hit, and then I almost couldn't stand up. Turns out, it's some weird nerve thing, like it gets a little pinched (probably 'cause I don't exercise -- bad me!) and then it goes away.


By all means, see a doctor so you can feel more peace of mind. But I'm the number one person for random pain in my life. I've had unexplained headaches, tingling down one side of my body, other stuff. My doctor told me she's had other patients like that too. I even had a brain scan to make sure there was nothing going on -- and they didn't find anything.


So ... I'm trying to remember to stretch and drink lots of liquids and generally take good care of myself. It's hard to get into good habits, but I know it'll be worth it. Good luck to you, and I hope the pain goes away soon!

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