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She wants to be friends and let it grow??

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I met a girl while I was at school, she was visiting a friend that went to the same school as me. She saw me and was interested, and gave her number to her friend to pass along to me. To keep it short, I called her and we hit it off well on the phone. We knew it was going to be a long distant relationship. We saw each other about every other week or so, and loved spending time with each other. I found myself falling head over heals for her. We had a weekend in Florida together and she became closer to me, and we started going out. Three weeks passed, we talked a ton and open with our feelings, things were great. I thought she was falling in love with me. Then she decided just after my graduation from college that she wanted to just date. I was ok with that for awhile but wanted more, and pressured her too much. She got angry with me and wants to just be friends now, because I stress her right now. She says she can see us together in the future and a great couple, but not right now. She says not to wait for her, or she would feel guilty. She wants to start over and let it grow, I so much want back to the dating thing, and mabye someday more. She is moving closer to me when she goes away to school, she is two years younger. I have 2 months until then, what can I do to get her to become close to me again. I think I love this girl, and need advice on what to do to get her back to dating me, so as to put myself in a position to be with her..Thanks so much Jon

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First of all..you think you love her or you know you love her?..and if ya do just give it a chance and continue to be friends with her..don't great relationships start with strong friendships???...i know mine did.

She is moving closer to you right?. that gives you more of an adnatage at bein' closer to her physically and emotionally...now it's easier to spend time with her..don't push into the relationship..that would be bad


Give her time and at the same moment let her know you still and will always care about her..that you watch out for her...and you want a future together..but don't tell her that yet..wait for the right moment...you'll now when it presents itself..there's no way you can miss it...


P.S.-tell me anything else that you might wanna tell me to help me see this more clear if you want to...maybe there's more to it?


"I hope you've slept well...becuz now you die!!! Prepare yourself... "YYAAAHHHH!!!"
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