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Some Questions


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I have run into three suitatiosn that I am not sure about becuase I never ran into them so I got some questions. Hopefully someone can answer them.


Girl 1


I have had interest in this girl for awhile, but never had a god chance to just talk to her. She normally just says bye with a big simle or waves when she is in her car. A couple of days ago I walk her to her car (my job is security so you can say I semi abuse it lol) and I couldn't think of anything to really say so I just talk about me walking her to her car at night. I made a very very lame and corny joke and she laugh out loud and pretty loud as well when she heared it. Now my question is, is this a good sign that she is interested in me or was it one time deal thing.


Girl 2


This one I bearly talk to and not that interest in, but willing to give it a shot. When she came out of the store with a bottle of wine and flowers she ask me if I would think her friend would like them, I said yes to be safe (I hope). She also ask what I was going to do this past weekend two times as well. I told her I was working and told her my days off (hey I am trying here lol). She works in the salon that in on the same property I use to work at. So is this just salon talk (I never been in one) or something else.


Girl 3


This girl is the same as Girl 2, but works in a coffe shop. She ask me my age and has done numerous flirting things, like putting whip cream on the lid of my hot chocolate. She also did a girl thing with one of the other female workers when I came in yesterday to get some hot chocolate. So I have no idea whats going on here either.


Any help would be great. I am more curious than anothing else as I think I have a low chance of seeing any three of them again, but did make some friends so who knows what will happen. And just so you know all three girls are older than I. I know for sure Girl 1 is 26, Girl 2 I would say 26 - 28 and Girl 3 I would say is 23.

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The best advice I can give you is to talk to them. Get to know them and you will know the answer. Most people asks if the other person is interested in them without knowing themselves if they like that other person. They tell themselves that if I am finally in a relationship, I will be happy. But being in a relationship doesn't really solve the problem. If you are not happy before, you are not going to be happy after. Now this is not just directed to you and I do apologize if I put it up here. And once again, stop thinking and start talking to them. Nothing will come if you just sit and wonder.

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stop thinking and start talking to them. Nothing will come if you just sit and wonder.

I totally agree with you, and that is why I did my best to make some friends so I could talk to them some more since I no longer work there. I wasn't trying to sit and wonder and never do anything, but do something that won't cut me off and would give the best opportunity as well.

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