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Is Repression Wrong?

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u knw, i was just wondering the same thing. ive heard its unhealthy to hold feelings inside and not have an outlet for them. but how? i keep a journal that i write in whenever i have something on my mind, it keeps me sane...sometimes i feel a heavy load just waiting to be lifted by writing or by talking to a friend.

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I'm sorry...I'm still having trouble following. Just bear with me for a few seconds. In other words, do you feel a sort of apathy towards these feelings of anger and desire? Do you have them "bottled up" and try to forget about them? Do you feel like you want to give up and you forget about concentrating on what's really bothering you, and instead you feel just a general depression?


See, what's throwing me off is the term "repression". From what I know about psychology, repression is your unconscious mind excluding painful memories, experiences, desires, fears, ect, from your conscious mind, as a sort of defense mechanism.


But from reading your last post, I think you mean the repression (suppression) of your own emotions, and inability (either voluntary or involuntary) to express and communicate your troubles to others. If this is what you're talking about--that you bottle everything up and you don't share your emotions (or you don't get comfort from others if and when you do share them), then the answer to your question as to whether it's wrong or not really depends on the individual.


Are you a "strong" person who is able to take whatever life throws at you and you never have to share your emotions with anyone? Sometimes people attempt to be like this (including myself) to show how stong our will is to never flinch in times of emotional turmoil. But I believe this is too difficult to bear, and most importantly, too unhealthy. After all, humans are social beings. Of course, if you were the last person on earth, then you'd have no other choice but to keep everything inside, but since this isn't the case, there should be someone you could turn to.


But even if you are afraid of "letting your guard down" or are afraid of being vulnerable to others, then I like the suggestions of starting a journal. I started one nearly three years ago. It is a way for me to channel my problems and it lets me focus on what's REALLY bothering me at a given time. I believe it has made me a stronger person, because now I rarely have to rely on other people for advise, help, input, ect.


And if nothing else, the journal makes for an interesting time capsule, if you can keep one long enough, because you can always look back to see how your feelings and attitudes have changed over the years. Also, you could try to express your problems in art, music, ect, if you don't feel comfortable talking to others about them.

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There are many coping mechanisms, and supression of the desire to act is a short term goal, after time, the desire to maintain the love and respect inherant in the relationship becomes less important than getting your message of desire taken care of.


You probably are searching for some form of balance and finding something that makes you really motivated--like a hobbie or sports can fill in the missing points that you are after.


Is it a person that upsets you? or groups of people?

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Are you a "strong" person who is able to take whatever life throws at you and you never have to share your emotions with anyone?


you're right about my misuse of the term. perhaps i meant suppression. i would not necessarily say i am a "strong" person. i simply don't know but i also feel that it's a questionable game to play to test and see how much more you can handle. then again, what i'm talking about -- it's not a "game" we can necessarily avoid.


every now and then pangs of social frustration hit me. that's all. socializing has not become a substantial portion of my life and often times i simply supress any social or carnal desires.


it's a good thing i do work with music, otherwise i would be worse off...

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Maybe the word that you are looking for is ambiguous...meaning close to the edge, or something that makes you want to run, and stay close at the same time...like being attracted to someone who is the gf of a good friend. Some feelings you need to hide away, while you are around those people. Social skills are a game....

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