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confused and not feeling so good...

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hi, my friend who is a girl keeps making fun of me ALL the time, and it really is starting to make me extermely depressed. i know she herself is really insecure, but she is one of those loud and obnoxious girls who is really superficial.

she always comments on my appearance, like "your eyes are so small" and when she looks at me, she just seems to laugh obnoxiously. once when i shaved my head, she was like laughing "omg your so ugly, i don't think you should be even talking to me". the thing is i know she isn't just kidding, because even though she says a lot of inappropriate things, they have some truth to it. on many occasions she says "you look like doug funnie, you should dress up like him for halloween" (the main character guy from the disney cartoon, doug, who in my opinion is ridiculously ugly). then she'll tell me "when you grow up, i really think your just going to have a plain wife."

in my opinion i don't think i look like that cartoon character at all and many times i don't even know where she got her ideas, but i'm starting to become really self conscious about my appearance. Ever since i met her, i've become so depressed. she says these terrible things on a regular basis and its become so frustrating because i don't really know what to think. the thing is that i'm a senior in highschool, and i've never had a girlfriend or a girl interested in me to my knowledge. all those little things just added up to my own conclusion that i was extremely unattractive and that i would never have a chance with any girl.

my family tells me i turned out fine, but i think thats what all family are supposed to say. they keep telling me looks aren't everything, and i want to believe that but right now but that seems like what all girls really want right now. no one really has ever given me an opinion on how i look, and this is the first time someone has ever commented. sometimes i stand a few feet from my mirror and i think i look attractive sometimes, but then again, mirrors could lie. my school photo idea is so hideous. i know this post probably sounds stupid, because people say that looks don't really matter, but peopel around me are so superficial that i don't know what to believe in.

i know it sounds silly but do mirrors really show how other people see you in real life, and does the lighting matter a lot? i just need advice in general, because i feel like crawling into a dark hole and dying.

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hey braw, though I don't totally know the complete story, becuase we don't really know why she acts and says that, only she does, I think it's safe to say that you are in an emotionally abussive relationahip, and like or not braw, you have to tell her how you feel and then preceed to leave this girl and makes new friends. She may not realize how she affects you braw.


Good "luck"


Oh check it out the by the way theory every one person you like or are interested, there are one-two interested in you man.


But, believe us braw, you don't want this chic

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I agree with everyone. She is abusive. Keep away from her. Drop her as your friend; clearly, she's not your friend.


Tell her to STOP talking to you that way or take a hike. She's taking out her problem 0X on you and you are buying it. What she's doing and saying is clearly her problem, not yours and it's not you she's mad at. Unless..she might be jealous of you about something or other.


Anyway, you don't need anyone in your life like that. Life is challenging enough. Stay away from people who make you feel bad. Not good for you to be around anyone like that. Life is short so hang around people who respect you which obviously the girl doesn't. Okay? If you keep hanging around her, your self-esteem will be further affected, as well as your whole quality of life.


She's not your friend. Drop her off at some corner somewhere reeeal fast man!



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thanks for your responses, really cleared things up.


i did make excuses for her behavior because she did have a lot of problems and was very unstable, and even admits to it. yet she seemed like a perfectly rational and logical person sometimes, she can be nice and caring. i don't think she's that bad of a person, but i'll tell her that she must stop if she really is my friend regardless if "thats the way she says she is". i won't let her get to me anymore, and if she says something negative, i'll just tell her to shut up.

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