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I don't know why I care so much about what others think of me.


I don't know why I am such a perfectionist with myself? Is it common are there people that just don't care about the world around them and would like to share a story?


I worry too much about not being able to make it to class on certain days and about failing at work and impressing my girlfriend I guess my mind in just thinking pessemistic thoughts because my rought weekend triggered it.


I am happy sometimes but for some reason now I am just sad and pessemistic. I don't like it I wish I never had to have worries or negative thoughts about my future I need to think good thought.


I wonder if there is anyone who has managed to find some way to think positively most of the time and someone who doesn't care about what others think and could share their story. Thanks Knctrnl22

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you need to just chill... thats what i found...


i was similar when i was in highschool...


what you need to do is surround yourself with people you care about you, who are your friends, and just hang out and have a good time... when you sit around alone you only start over analyzing and worrying...


just dont dwell on bad things that happen to you... just brush them off and try to think about good times...

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That is good advice, Mailman. I too have constant negative thinking and it's something I have to consciously adjust every day. A good thing to do is write down all of your ANTS (automatic negative thinking) and change them into a positive. It takes a lot of work but soon you will start thinking more positively. As hard as it might seem, don't constantly dwell on things. Learn to let them go because then you are only constantly living in the past. Enjoy the here and now, and surround yourself with positive energy.


Really, who cares what others think about you? Do you think they waste their time worrying about it? It's just not worth living a miserable existence trying to please everyone else. Your own well-being and happiness should be the top priority. It might sound selfish but just do good when you can, and keep good friends close to you.


I should add that everyone falters, everyone makes mistakes. Pick yourself up and brush yourself off and learn from those experiences. Then let them go. No one can change what has happened in the past. You can only change the current moment. Adjust it to your own happiness. I am a perfectionist too and you know what the most liberating thought is? Hey, no one is perfect, myself included. I'm allowed to make mistakes because I will only grow stronger from them. Don't fear making mistakes, or letting others see you make them, because you are forgetting to live in the process. 8) {{{hugs}}}

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It's normal to feel that way sometimes. You should seek help if it becomes depression though. Think of how unfortunate others are, more so than you. You'll see life in a different perspective then. Count your blessings and be happy! You live only one life so enjoy it to the best of your ability.


Some people resort to things like meditation, or doing some kind of hobby that they absolutely enjoy. That might help!


Just SMILE! Life is good!!

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