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One-Sided Love

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Hey all, Im a high school student in my sophmore year. Last year (freshman year) I met this awesome girl. She shares my interests, and we really connect. Over a year we got to know each other better. Over the summer I had began falling for her. I didnt see her much because of her extensive travelling, but we talked on the phone alomst every week. Over that time I worked at a day camp where I met another girl who I asked out. We dated for 5 weeks and I broke it of with her. I said it was because we woudlnt see eachother much, but it was really because I was still in love with the original girl. New school year came and we end up having the same free period, so we talk ALOT, over some time we open up to eachother, not about us, but in a different emotional setting. My love for her only intensified. As i became her friend, I saw her go through boyfriends like lollipops. Now shes wiht this guy who I think is really cool. I ike him alot, but now Im in the middle of them. She knows I liked/Like her, but she doesnt know to what degree. I cant listen to some music now because it reminds me of her and it hurts. Some days I feel like not waking up if I know I cant have her. I feel this will never end....... I am open to any suggestions/advice.

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Unrequited love sucks. I went through this last year with one of my friends. I had 3 out of four classess with him and I had to pretend I didn't like him for most of the year. It was incredibly hard. Eventually, summer came and we stopped talking. This really helped, because I started to get the feeling that he was a huge jerk for not talking to me. I started to get over him more and more and by the time school started up again, I didn't like him as much. It took a long time but I finally got over him. Now he and I are really good friends and there's no awkwardness or anything between us.

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yes unriquited love is a terrible thing. i have experienced it many tiimes.

the only advice i can give you is, its better to love someone more than you need them. its ok to care about her, but right now your feelings for her are causing you pain, and you need to stop that. try to think about whats best for her, becasue you care for her so much, be her friend. it feels good to do the right thing. and then when the time is right, then see if she wasnt to take it furthur. if shes happy now, try be glad this person you love is happy.

i know its messed up, but it is messed up. you wont do yourself any favours making things uncomefortable between you and her.

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