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I play soccer for my high school and I have a lot of trouble conditioning. First of all, I have very weak knees. I went to the doctor like two years ago and he said the reason was because I grew so fast in such a little bit of time (I'm 5'9" by the way). But, I would think that they would get better by now, right? I've been wearing a kneebrace for maybe a year, off and on so I dont' become dependent on it. But I always have to stop running because of my knees. Any words of advice to that? I'm hopefully going to the doctor on Wednesday for this.


Another thing is that after I run the first mile, I always feel naseous or dizzy. It's usually one or the other, but it always happens. Is there any way to maybe help this problem? I'm starting to worry about my starting position being taken away from me because I can't run!


I'm not going to lie, I'm a good soccer player. For those of you that know what this means, I've played on many A level Athena teams. But I'm worrying that the coach is beginning to think that I'm slacking because after every practice I'm complaining of my knees, and I usually have to stop playing before the end or while we're running at the end of practice I have a really scary look on my face from trying to deal with the pain.


Anyone have any advice?

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I also play soccer, and I also have knee problems, although they are fading, and I also have a starting position that I cherish which I have gotten aslong as I could run.


First off, last july I dislocated my knee, and played the next morning. I didnt really have a choice, it was a out of town tourney so It was a suck it up or go home. And I recently majorly dislocated my knee playing soccer, in which I was on the verge of surgery. I went to the doctor, and it turns out that my knees are just like that. This could be said in your case. For me its hereditary, my sister also has my same problem. If you need help, get physical theropy, and go to the weight room and talk to the football coaches about how to strenghthen your knees. Work out with the football team. I realize that you are a girl, but there are some girls that work with them too, mostly basketball and volleyball players, but some soccer players.


Dont worry if you feel dizzy after running a mile. I run the 400 meters, and yes it is slightly different than running a mile, but I usually feel dizzy, and some times I throw up. I spoke with my alternate at my position in soccer, and he says sometimes he can just collapse after a shift on the field becuase hes so tired and DIZZY. Being dizzy is just part of out of breath and being tired.


I would also just like to say that I am 5'7", and I gained 30 pounds on my upper body, just as i grew from 4'9" to 5'2" and again as I went up to 5'7" and my knees are killing me when I walk, so it is completely natural.


I cant say much about your coach. Sorry.


But I think you should talk to some coaches, and strengthen your knees, and talk with your track coach and see if he can help you also.


I hope this is helpful

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I have a few suggestions about what you can do to combat the dizzyness and nausea.


Within the hour before your run try to get some carbs down you for a bit of energy that you will use up when you run.


When you actually come to the running part you need to control your breathing, let it be something to focus on during every run. When breathing you need to emphasise the exhale, dont worry about any "in through your nose, out through your mouth" stuff that you may have been told in the past, that is just a way of getting you to focus on your breathing but i've never found it particularly effective.


About 2 hours before exercise you should try to drink about 2 pints of water, this will get you rehydrated prior to your exercise and will give your body chance to pass any excess fluid. You should try to drink a lot of water throughout your day to maintain a high level of hydration. Also, when you go for a run, take a water bottle with you!


Good luck, i hope this helps!

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well.... I also play soccer... its my main sport (I'm from Argentina... ) but I'll tell you 99... I never got dizzy... I'm 5'9 and only when I run I get really tired that may be hard to breath but not a big deal.... what I'll tell you (if you didn't know already... ) don't eat, and don't drink so much before a game or training... if you do drink anything for any reason... try to drink just some water... because on the long run, your side will begin to hurt and your shoulders and neck as well.... so I'll say just drink some water when your mouth is really dry.


Also... about your leg killing you... you need some more muscle legs... thats what comes to mind... I also grew pretty fast I guess... I'm 14 and 5.9" inches and what I do to keep my legs strong and active... is when I walk up the stair I skeep a step... so instead of going one by one, I go 2 by 2... at the beggining it really killed me and I got sored legs.. but now I dot it and its as easy as walking... I do it all the time though... every time.... so maybe that'll help you a bit...


I hope I talk to you soon and that you get better with your leg... and I hope I get in a soccer club soon... I feel like I'm daying when I don't play...

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