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Drugs,swinging & abuse..he's done it all.

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Bonjour. I suppose I'm looking for some good advice seeing as I have no idea what to do anymore. My ex boyfriend has two kids, ages 4 and 8 (he's 23) Which is bad enough. His past consists of, getting his ex wife pregnant (obviously) but he was a cocaine junkie for almost 3 years. Also during that time he got his wife into swinging, sometimes he even brought his friends home and let them use her for sexual purposes whenever they wanted. If that wasnt enough, he abused her mentally and physically, resulting in her needing psychiatric help. Both kids are now in foster homes and he managed to clean up his act...which is when I met him. He was honest from the start about his past...and I thought I would give him a try since I believe he could be a great guy. 4 months later when I was not around he did coke again, and now he decided to deal it (this happened two nights ago) He disappeared the other day, and everyone was worried about him, since his latest cocaine addiction I left him...I dont need that in my life. He's also into a thing called Scientology, and from what I have seen and heard it's a brainwashing cult....and no matter what I do, I cant get him out of it. Bringing up his kids wont even make him listen to me. I dont know what to do, any advice would help a lot..thanks.

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You're right, you don't need that in your life. Some people never change. It seems it takes people to hit rock bottom before they're fear stricken. Even then they might be good for some time but will ultimately revert.


It seems you're understanding and would like him to change but it's only in his ability to do so. Depending on how deeply you care or love him you may try to help but you have to look out for yourself. I know people who still don't want to change that behavior. There's nothing I can do. It's up to them. Be safe and good luck.

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