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Any advice? I don't know what to do

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hi, i'm 18 and to get to the point i have no idea what to do. i've been depressed and seeing a psychologist. Recently i've been depressed kind of on and off. i'll be ok for a few days and then fall again and i thought that maybe my hormones were off so i had my thyorid checked and it was very minimally off. So now i'm taking pills for that. I thought my prayers were answered if it was as easy as that. And maybe i'm jumping the gun. i've only been on the medicine for a few days. But my feelings just go so crazy that i don't know what to do anymore. I am SOOoooo tired all the time. not sleepy tired but physically tired. it's hard to get myself to do anything and i don't want to do anything i normally would because i'm too tired. and i get ancy like i want to jump out of my skin. i don't know what to do with myself. i don't know why! what is that? i get really upset. i'm tired and not, all at the same time. like the only thing i should be doing is sleeping but i'm not sleepy tired. I get more than enough sleep. And sometimes i get really sad. It's just frustrating and i'm fed up with it all i don't want to talk to a psychologist anymore i want to be done with it. It's easy to fall into negative thoughts where the world has no meaning at all. I don't really know how to stop the feelings though. A Dr. is supposed to help you but i'm just so sick of dwelling on all the bad stuff i think it kinda is what keeps me in a negative place. Somehow i feel like i lie to myself. like the only way i can keep putting one foot infront of the other is because..... i don't even know. Anyway i just need to feel like i'm not completely alone. Does anyone know what i'm talking about even just a little bit?

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I kind of understand. I have a different case though working 2 jobs and going to school and people really get on my nerves sometimes.


I'm usually always tired and mad at the world once someone makes me mad for the day, and I too find it hard to find positive things. My best friend ever, my mother, even is starting to get on my nerves... i feel really guilty about things that I should be proud of.


I deal with it the stupid way and put on an act whenever I leave the house to go to work or school... so it's just all supressed and i never really talk about it....


i wasn't always like this but i experienced way too many negative things in the last year and that really put me into a deep hole.



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I understand exactly. I'm going through something very similar. I have been working full-time for about 5 months in a different country. I went from having two jobs, several classes, a couple of clubs, and a very active social life in college to knowing absolutely no one and a job 8 hours a day. Needless to say, there were a ton of adjustments and I still don't have the active life I would like to have, so I have been very depressed as well.


Not to mention, every day I am reminded that everything I'm doing is temporary, and I'm about 6,000 miles from my family and friends. I get very sad sometimes. Other times I am just so exhausted and then I am very antsy, wanting to go and do stuff with people, but I can't because either the people aren't here, are too busy, or are not friends with me. It's taking quite a toll on my emotional health, so I am trying to find ways to cope too. I don't have the option of talking to a psychiatrist here, nor getting pills. My insurance wouldn't' cover it... not to mention I can't speak the language well enough to talk to a psychiatrist. But yea, I understand how you feel completely.

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trust me, you're not alone. I feel very similar things to what you have described. I used to think it was and age thing but I am 27 and still feel the same way. I don't feel like I am qualified to give you concrete advice because I only know what I read in that first post. What I can tell you is that medicine can help (if it is the right kind) but in the end you have to have faith and love for yourself. a small tip that has been working for me... when I feel depressed or anxious I find a quiet place and just start writing everything that comes to mind about how I feel. I write as it comes out (meaning I don't make essays). Afterwards I feel a little better and later when my mood stabilizes I look back and realize how irrational those thoughts were. just an idea... good luck and keep your head up.

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