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  1. I had a similar problem I'm still trying to control it though. I think it's something that takes a long time to really get over. I still haven't. there will still be that feeling for a while at least in my experience It comes back occasionally. I know for me when i really want to hurt i have this awful feeling kind of like your skin is crawling or like you need something but can't fix it. Even if i don't cave there's still that feeling of misury. My best advice would be to be nice to yourself. have patience it's to hard to think about never ever again feeling ok. So at the time just think about getting through one moment without caving in. It's even harder if you try to do it alone. I find that keeping my hands busy helps but if you can distract yourself as well it helps a lot. For example if you are drawing to keep your hands busy but continue dwelling on the fact that you still feel like you need to hurt yourself keeping your hands busy doesn't really help. I go for a drive and get lost in some music or watch a movie and keep my hands busy. You could try a kneeded eraser . And the best solution i've found if your desperate is squeezing an ice cube. Although only try this if nothing else worked. Getting your mind on something else is really key. Whatever you can do that lets your mind get lost and away from the idea of harming yourself. i also found some good sites with helpful hints. There's one site that has a long list of alternatives that really helped me i can't find it at the moment but if i do i'll let u know. hope this helps if u need to talk i'm always here
  2. hi, i'm 18 and to get to the point i have no idea what to do. i've been depressed and seeing a psychologist. Recently i've been depressed kind of on and off. i'll be ok for a few days and then fall again and i thought that maybe my hormones were off so i had my thyorid checked and it was very minimally off. So now i'm taking pills for that. I thought my prayers were answered if it was as easy as that. And maybe i'm jumping the gun. i've only been on the medicine for a few days. But my feelings just go so crazy that i don't know what to do anymore. I am SOOoooo tired all the time. not sleepy tired but physically tired. it's hard to get myself to do anything and i don't want to do anything i normally would because i'm too tired. and i get ancy like i want to jump out of my skin. i don't know what to do with myself. i don't know why! what is that? i get really upset. i'm tired and not, all at the same time. like the only thing i should be doing is sleeping but i'm not sleepy tired. I get more than enough sleep. And sometimes i get really sad. It's just frustrating and i'm fed up with it all i don't want to talk to a psychologist anymore i want to be done with it. It's easy to fall into negative thoughts where the world has no meaning at all. I don't really know how to stop the feelings though. A Dr. is supposed to help you but i'm just so sick of dwelling on all the bad stuff i think it kinda is what keeps me in a negative place. Somehow i feel like i lie to myself. like the only way i can keep putting one foot infront of the other is because..... i don't even know. Anyway i just need to feel like i'm not completely alone. Does anyone know what i'm talking about even just a little bit?
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