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close friend entering USAF/leaving college

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I have a close friend/mutual friend I'll call R, who had recently enlisted in the USAF. I'm a little upset but was a little surprised that he enlisted. I had met my friend R through my friend T(I mentioned this person before on the boards), and the three of us were close. I mean R and T are 19, I'm 23, but I considered them like the younger brothers I never had and we grew up together this past year going to the same college.


But for some reason I wasn't suprised that R enlisted. Like I said previously, I had some weird vibe that R wasn't coming back to my college for the fall or he was going to transfer to University of Houston(he's from Houston, Texas). Why? R had dealt with some on campus discipline thing that indirectly was with T. This incident happen in February. I think he had to tell his parents about that. It could've been a factor, as to why he enlisted. I don't know. I do know that he wanted to stop smoking weed, because he was smoking a lot when he was around with T; but he wanted to drink at parties so he could hook up with girls.


But aside from that, I'm going to miss R. I mean R is a younger dude I know(he's 19), but was a cool friend. Not all I did with R was all about partying. He did teach me ji jujitsu, we did have mature talks. I'm slightly upset that he enlisted, but I can deal with that.


Maybe R enlisted in the USAF, because he wanted to get away from the partying and the drug bs that was with T. I mean, I know R didn't fit the "mold" of most of T's friends per se. At times when T wasn't around, I would mention to R, that he and I were T's most positive friends. I meant to say, that he and I were T's least shadiest friends and that's the honest truth. And R somewhat looked out for T. Or maybe he maybe he enlisted for some other reason. But I'm going to miss him, because I shared good and bad times with him, as well as T.

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@mhowe. He had his dean of student's office letter which he let me read. He wasn't kicked out of our college. He was just not allowed to live on campus, some research project, an online drug/alcohol assessment thing, some differed suspension. The last few days we chilled(May 8-10), I learned that about that. He was supposed to stay at the dorm till May 20, but he had to leave the dorm at a certain date because of the sanction. He was going to chill at T's house for a bit, then muster the courage to his parents on the phone and then head back to Houston. But, he left Monday then went back to Houston. I find that really odd, because 1. My friend T seemed chill, T's parents were cool to let R crash a bit until R had talked to his parents about what happened 2. T and R appeared like best bros. Maybe something happen around May 10 and May 11 between T and R, I don't know. That is my thoughts.

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If you haven't heard from either of them since MidMay, who knows.


My friend R did enlist. He has texted me up infrequently since May, but I'm aware that he did in fact enlist in the USAF.


He was processed and enlisted nearly 2 weeks ago.


He and I plan to talk and catch up, but I think he's doing basic training or something.


I have a gut feeling that he and T, had some falling out because he never refers to mention T in Txts. If I ever talk to R these are the qs I'll ask him:

When did you choose to enlist?

Are you and T still friends?

Is there a falling out between you guys because of what happen in February?

Will you come back to our college?


R is a good friend, he's mature, and wasn't shady or sketchy. He was just in the background amongst Ts friends. But I'm going to miss him, maybe I can talk and catch up

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I would like to make an update here.


Last night, I was able to talk to R. He did enlist in the Air Force at his hometown of Houston and was processed. However, he's not in basic training just yet. He's still doing in the process of proceeding with the Air Force career prep. R seemed amicable when we talked, and we didn't talk since May 10 but he somewhat texted a bit since then. He said he'd visit in September which is cool. But the one question I forgot to ask R: Why did he enlist in the Air Force?

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