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Hey and thanks in advance to anyone who replies.


There's this girl I've like for some time, let's call her Charlotte, and I'm more or less positive that the feeling is mutual from her body language and the way she acts around me.


However, she's quite recently split up from her boyfriend (John) and he still has feeling for her. She doesn't want anything to happen between them and has told him so, but he has told other guys that she is "off limits" and got very annoyed when my friend (David) started to dance with her. I wouldn't mind so much about John because I'm not really his friend and Charlotte has told him repeatedly that she isn't interested in him any longer, he didn't treat her too well whilst they were going out.


Now David really likes Charlotte as well, but again she has told a mutual friend that she is really only interested in David as a friend. The problem is David doesn't really seem to get the message despite her not too subtle hints, getting annoyed recently when she repeatedly refused to dance with him. He does really have strong feelings for her and I get the idea that if I make any kind of move on Charlotte he's going to feel betrayed. Plus it would be a bit awkward for me and her if we did get together because we all spend a lot of time together and I think that David would get jealous if he saw me and her as a couple.


Just to add to the complication, a friend of Charlotte, Rebecca has confessed that she likes me. I knocked her back because although she's a good friend I just don't have those kind of feelings for her. Again though, could this be a reason for Charlotte to be put off a relationship with me? Having said that though in the past she hasn't been afraid to step on her friend's toes when it comes to men.


So what do you think I should do? I really like Charlotte a lot but at the same time I really don't want to hurt Rebecca and David's feelings. I thought that I should wait a while and see how it pans out, especially as at the moment David and Charlotte aren't really on speaking terms. I try to be as nice a guy as possible and want to do the right thing, but at the same time I don't want to ruin my own chances of happiness.


Cheers again, Quickster.

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i think the best way to solve a problem, or prevent one for that matter, is a good link of communication. it may be hard to tell her or her ex, but you at least have to tell someone. if i were you, the first thing i would do is just ignore her exbf and talk to her.... take things one at a time and see what he does...

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