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Well I think email will be a less confrontation approach of getting to know a person, similar to chatting or meeting people online by exchanging email. It doesn't necessarily mean that they're just going to put in the casual friend category, it can have several meanings. It depends how busy their schedule is, or how shy the person is. Just keep in mind of your intuition...if there is continuous email exchanges & it doesn't progress to talking over the phone or meeting up in person, then the person may just be in his/her own little world where they don't have intentions to proceed further than email.

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Yeah as the person above mentioned it..


EMail is a lesser direct way of communicating.


If u email a lot with each other it could be friends or more, but if its just one mail a week or such... then it's just pure on friendly level.


If a person wants you, the person should be able to spend more than one mail per week on you

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i have never had a person that i had just met ask me only for my email address. however, once i give a person my number, it is practically guaranteed that we will move our conversation over to instant messenger. this is because for some people, it is easier to speak whats on their mind when theyre not worried that something is going to come out wrong. if your thoughts are in writing, you have the advantage of being able to take more time to think them through. people feel less vulnearable over the internet, and speaking online is usually not an indication whether or not somebody wishes to be more than friends.

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