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So it's been a week since we've broken up from our nearly 2 year LDR relationship. It's been 3 days no contact but I almost slipped today by drafting a "i miss you, you look good" message to her on fb. She was the dumper for reasons saying she fell out of love. The last time I saw her was in January, then I deployed. The whole time she was excited and couldn't wait to see me from my deployment. I come back home next month but my questions is, should I go see her? should I do NC for the rest of this month and next month and just go visit her? advice please.

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Hi Michael,


I'm sorry you went through something like this. Being dumped while deployed is honestly terrible, no one should have to go through that. The question here is how did she dump you... if she did it cold and not on the phone, then I'd say don't contact her, clearly she doesn't deserve it. If she knows you will be back in a month, then she will know - meaning if she wanted to put the effort to see you, she'll contact you.


The last thing you need to do is chase her, everyone here can agree that you shouldn't, especially on social media (publicly).


LDR are tough, not many work. Seeing her might do the trick but only if the LDR was the only factor. At this point, as hard as it is, I would just finish your deployment and think of what you need to do when you get home, exclude her.

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I agree; no contact. Be glad you had each other for the time you did and move on. Realize that things run their course and then you have to move on. Once you clear your mind you will find someone just as wonderful; if not more, who will put forth the same care and effort into your relationship as you do. Best of luck.

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No contact and let things be. She clearly fell out of love and nothing you can really do will change her mind. Begging pleading promising things will be different will only push her further away. Just completely disappear only then will she truly miss you and have time to reflect on her decision.

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