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What is she doing?

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Theres this girl in my class that I noticed looking in my direction almost everyday. She also sits alligned to my direction even tho the teacher is opposite of her. Sometimes when i caught her looking, i see her stare at something, sometimes at me cuz she sorta showed an expression on her face. I dunno how to explain but she always try to do something that let me see her. Like talking to my friend eventhough we are in our own conversation (she dun even know any of the others) Sometimes when I need to do something such as getting something thats not even her business and she goes and do it. Once I was working with my friend and she came to talk to us, and she started leaning toward me and putting her body so that it made contact. She trys to do these little bits of things that gets my attention. Its been a long time sinces I notice and she continues to do these things. Its really making me feel uneasy being around her now. What is going on?

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Um ok it's pretty obvious this girl has a major crush on you. the way she acts around you is a give-away, but perhaps she is too shy to act on it. ok do u think you could ever date this chick?? If the answer is yes thenm you will have to be the one who makes the first "actual" move. Ok if not...then you could probably tell her your not interested, which she will immediately deny that she is anyways or you could let her continue and enjoy the flattery. Anyways hope this helped you and good luck with this chick. oh yeah and if u dont like her touching you, tell her she's being to forward at the exact moment she does it. she cant deny she wasn't and will probably be too embarrassed to do it again. oh well good luck

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