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Why Do Men Want Anal Sex?

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Frankly, I think you are sexist stereotyping. If you read the responses you will see many men don't care for it and some women enjoy it.


Plus, I still don't get the nature angle. I have never seen a nature show that shows animals engaging in anal sex. Perhaps I don't watch enough nature shows, or maybe they only show that sort of activity on the Animal World Pornography Channel, or the Playboy Mansion Zoological Suite.


No stereotyping, Please watch cats dogs lions check it out it is like a power struggle for a man like getting a bj it is what makes them feel manly sometimes plus I guess it makes them feel closer to the vagina.


to me that sounds incredebly closed minded.


im a guy and i will say that i liek anal sex, but i beleave nowhere in sex should someone have power over the other, you get disappointing bad sex when the other is more worried about getign him or herself off then making sure both partakers are having a good time. if the girl doesnt want it i respect that, if it were a power struggle id force her to do it. she has all the power inthat situation ya know, she's not exactly submissing in my eyes, shes being very trusting of you. i see abso lutly nothing wrong with anal sex so long as both partners agree to it. if you dont liek it then dont do it, simple as that. if you think its a power struggle stop watching porn, it gives the wrong impressions off, and no body really acts liek what you see in this videos anyway i get so tired of people acting liek they know everythign about somethign when its obvious they havent the foggiest idea wehattheyare talkign about. dont knock it until you try it. BOTH PARTNERS are capable of enjoying itm its not one sided. it really ticks me off when people keep whining about it being a power stuggle. no power is in anyway invulved in it,if there is someone havign power over some one else then it is RAPE. i liek anal sex, and i belevae a few girls onhere have admitted to thouroughly enjoying it aswell. so that in itself should discredit the power struggle argument. you donthave to do it if you dont want to. if they force you to do it, its rape plain and simple. liekit or dont. no power at all.



well Why is it when you are in action guys tend to get carried away with the anal sex or back door sex by vaginal way? Sometimes you forget women are there too.

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well i have one thing to say and thats


"boys will be boys"...


I myself prefer front door or whatever...But is this to do with more like a one night stand or a good relationship???


The answer can change if the two are in extreme love and want some thrill because I know 2 inlove can get bored with the same ol possition, but if its one night stand i debate with it...I think its to do with power and i think its more of a doggy thing lol..No offence or anything


I dont have much of a point hah but would u do it in the anal to someone u just started dating?

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