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she likes to test

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theres this girl ive been "after" for a while. i know for a fact that she doesnt like anyone. however she did tell me that she wished she did and that she knows it sometimes hurts to like someone but it also hurts when she doesnt like anyone. i just said that i was there for her and that she had plenty of time and that she didnt need to like anyone. and i told her to give me a call if she ever needed anything.


anyways, the point is that she likes to test me. shell play hard to get and me being a nice guy either ends up being too cooperative or i skrew up the line that i mean to say. how should i act around a girl that plays hard to get?

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tests are for teachers and driving examiners.


People who test other people in or before a relationship have already failed a test themselves.


Just be yourself, if that isn't good enough for her, then it's her loss and you can move on to someone less judgemental

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As a girl, I agree. Most girls that play hard to get are usually not worth getting for one reason or another. If a girl really likes you and isn't into games, she'll have no problem letting you know that she likes you too. And actually SHOWS that she likes you CONSISTENTLY. Game playing is not a good start for any relationship.

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