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bodychecks: good or bad?

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if she does it again, throw yourself to the ground and yell for a personal injury lawyer.


Alternatively, throw yourself to the ground and bring her down with you - making sure she's on top. Then say something like "if this is a date, when can we do it again?"

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then approach her. I know you are shy but you can do it. Say something like "I enjoyed the bodycheck the other day, good technique. I wondered if we could get together at (lunch/after school/whatever) to find out what else we have in common."

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do you think its an attempt to break me out of my shell? cause in all honesty she is probably the best looking girl in school and she knows it, and i'm not the cool jock type she dates, that's why i think i'm reading too much into this



*edit* this also reminds me of the numberous (prolly 3) hip checks she's thrown me at work

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