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I don't know where to turn....(long)

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Today has probably been the worst day of my whole life. I told my parents today that I've quit school (university) and I don't know when I'll be returning.....I have known for 2 years that it's not what I wanted or where I wanted to be but be it from being ashamed,disappointed,embarrassed or just laziness, I have never told anyone. My life's been a lie for the past 2 years. I have so much going on in my head right now...I don't know if I can get all of my thoughts together or not...I appreciate your patience and understanding if you are reading this right now.


I have never felt a huge pressure to go to university, but I always thought that was the "right" thing to do...why I couldn't have said after a year that I wanted something different, i don't know...but now here i am, 4 years later and with almost everyone I know thinking that I would be finishing this year when in fact i'm not even close. I hate liars....and I am a big one. My parents are devastated, they can't even look at me...At this point, I'm scared that I'll be kicked out...don't know where to turn or who to talk to...I haven't told any of my friends yet nor have I told the new wonderulf guy that I'm seeing. I'm so afraid to tell them, but I have to be honest...even if it means them all disowning me....i probably deserve that.....


I really am at a complete stand still at this moment, this second. I need help.....

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  • 4 weeks later...

keep your head up and learn from your mistakes. The only reason people go to college(at least 99% of them) is more money. Being smarter is a relaive thing. Ask yourself why you ended up in this situation. What are your goals in life and how can you achieve them. Is college the answer? Share everything with your best friend(or me ). Sometimes sharing with a complete stranger is easier. What do you want? Talk to your boyfriend. If he is worthed, he'll listen and help you out. Your parents WILL always support and LOVE you so share with them too.

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