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can someone tell me why i keep on wanting to...

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can someone tell me why i keep wanting to see my friend without his shirt? I feel bad about it, and everytime we're alone I want to see him without it and ''feel around''. Im not gay... i dont think....but why do i keep wanting to see his body?Am i jelous? (that just dont seem like thats it becuz if i am then what would wanting to see him have to dowith it?) I havent actually "seen him" just touched his belly and chest a little bit but never looked. You think maybe thats why, cuz i never actually seen it? He's cut and sorta muscular, and ive never seen anyone like that, and he has a lot different body build than I do. Could that be what it is? or do you think maybe its something else... cuz i may go over there tomorrow and in a way i dont want to because I dont wanna be there wanting to see him again.... help!

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okay well, um when you say you have touched it what do you really mean by that. did he let you sit there and feel him up? um is he gay? just wondering. well i don't find anything wrong with being gay, im not gay, sometimes i think im so freaking bi though, cause i have similar things that happen with me and two of my friends, we are chicks though. i don't know how much i can help, other then really just ask yourself why you want to touch it, usually you know and just over look the reasoning.

good luck, pm me if you want make sure it's tonight though, i wont be here tomorrow.

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I think it's possible to find someone of the same sex beautiful or attractive without being homosexual. We like beauty - we strive for it constantly. Maybe you just want to see his chest because it's aesthetically pleasing? Or I could be very wrong. I don't know, just a thought.

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Slow down! No killing of oneself over thinking you might be gay. Which, I don't know, but it truly is unlikely. As youngsters we all get naked with our friends to a certain degree, some experiementation is normal. Wanting to see your pal naked isn't bad! I just would not worry about this until you want to do MUCH more with him! And then you might consider the question: "Could I be gay or bisexual?" But there is not a damn thing wrong with either of these two states of being, AND you are too young to really know for sure anyway. Don't worry, be happy!

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its just.. im a christian and if im gay.. why should i even live? it means im going to hell.. and i hate wanting to keep seeing him like this cuz, sometimes it bothers him... and i want to compare myself to him, and i do like to touch him.... it makes me feel good. He lets me do it, but he is sorta self conscious about himself sometimes (thats why it bothers him)

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just because you're curious like this at such a young age, it doesn't mean you're necessarily gay. when you grow up, we're just very curious sometimes. so don't freak out. i think you're completely normal. just keep in touch with us and let us know what happens. you're normal, it's going to be ok. i remember when i was your age. talk to me anytime..take care

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its just.. im a christian and if im gay.. why should i even live? it means im going to hell..


Not neccesarily true. I don't want to start religious controversy here, but even though the Bible advises AGAINST gay union, the prophet-messiah Jesus did preach to love thy neighbor in spite of differences. I think the only REAL tickets to hell are murder, rape, genocide, etc.



Homosexuality is just a difference. It shouldn't matter who you want to have sex with or even sexual fantasies for in the privacy of your home. Sexual orientation, like race, is jsut a minor difference. Does the bible say black epople don't go to heaven? I think not.


And anyway, it's not like the whole world will marry someonje of the same gender if America allows gay/lesbian marriage.


I'm straying off topic.


Just consider your options. Adolescence is the age of exploration, curiosity. You need the time to find out who you really are, and this is America--you should be free enough to express these things.


Embrace change.


Embrace Diversity.



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