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I just don't know what to do sometimes

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I need some major help.My boyfriend and I have been together for a year and a half now and I don't want to lose him.I have a really big jealousy problem.I get jealous over any little thing.Even when a new girl starts working at his job,I accuse him of liking her.For no reason at all.And I also have a really bad temper.It's like everything he does gets on my nerves and I start arguments with him all the time.I don't know how to control my jealousy and my temper problem.I'm like the worst girlfriend in the world.I'm making his life miserable.Can someone please help me?I'm always accusing him of cheating on me,too.I just need to hurry up and stop all of this nonsense but I can't seem to.And I really want to or else I'm going to lose him for good.Any advice would be great!

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Its ok to be jealous sometimes, but its a problem if your accusing him of all sorts of things. I mean, we all get jealous at times, its only normal. Just not if its causing problems.


Try not to think so much about other girls or let things get to you. I mean, you can't control him thinking another girl is cute. I'm sure you think other guys are attractive, but that doesn't mean you will drop your boyfriend for the next guy you see. Thats how it is with him.


Has he ever given you any reason to truly believe he is cheating on you? If so, then that would be one thing. However, if its obvious he's only into you, then the worst thing you can do is accuse him of cheating on you.


Having uncontrollable jealousy is a problem that needs serious help, otherwise you can lose him. I mean, why would he stay with you if you are always accussing him of things? No one likes that.


Here is a site I found that you might find helpful:



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I put up a post today that was very similar to yours titled "Help! My jealousy is ruining my relationship" I don't know about you, but I've been hurt badly in all of my past serious relationships. I have now found and been with a wonderful man for almost a year. I have a hard timed dealing with the fact that he has friends that are girls. If any woman has any contact with him, I go off. I get jealous, I worry, I argue....and it isn't fair to him because he has not given me any reason to think he would be anything but faithful. I had a good number of replies to my post and maybe some of them can help you as well. One thing, at least you know it is a problem and you are trying to address it, that is a very good start. Good luck from someone in the same boat.

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Well,he's done some very stupid things to me in the past that has really hurt me.But he has shown me that he's sorry and that he loves me.And those stupid things was when he was drunk.Which is why he doesn't drink anymore.He didn't cheat on me.Nothing like that.But it still hurt.I have a question to ask all of you,though.Something that happened several months ago but I just cannot get over it.Okay,I work third shift.So one morning I came home from work and there was a porn on t.v.He was asleep by the way.So I woke him up and asked what the hell was he doing.He knows that I hate porn and I'm not going to be with someone that watches it either.He swears till this day that he does not know how it got on there.But see the thing is,it was on On Demand on Cinamax.I hope you know what I'm talking about.So that means he had to have ordered it.It was free though.But he says he didn't do it.I want to believe him soo bad but how did it get on there if he didn't order it.No one else could've.Do you guys think that there's a chance that he really could be telling me the truth?I've brought it up so many times to him and he still says that he loves me and that he did not watch that porn.Please help me.

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Ihave a slight issue with porn myself. After dating someone for two years, we were living together and I found out he was seriously addicted to porn. He had disks and disks of it, it was all on his computer, he had been to dozens of websites. I was devesated. That was not normal. However, being that this issue has seeped into my current relationship as well as my jealousy problem, I can tell you that porn is a a "guy thing." Yes, that may totally sound like a line, but it is true nevertheless. I think he may not want to tell you he watched it because he doesn't want to hurt you. The fact that you have such a big problem with it may scare him because he knows that he just looks at it here and there, and that it really isn't any big thing. I think you should let it go, it will be better for your relationship. Try to understand that it is something any guy will look at now and then, but it in no way means he doesn't love you and your body. I hope this helps you somewhat.

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