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I am going on 20 years old and have NEVER had a real relationship. I've posted before about my coworker that I fell in love with, but that it going nowhere and I am absolutely sick of holding on!! I met someone recently and got her phone number, but just can't seem to get conversation started and not a whole lot of chances to be alone with her. I bump into her quite frequently around where I met her. And I get the feeling that I shouldn't even try, b/c she doesn't even act like she wants to talk to me!!

most of the people that are around me seem so happy and I just feel like I'm destined to be without a hand to hold, or kisses, or sweet phone calls or ANYTHING!! The girl that told me that she liked me dumped me right after I fell for her, then I saw a beautiful girl(WITHOUT A BOYFRIEND), got the courage to ask her to do something, and got the digits! Why isn't it going anywhere? I've been told by quite a few girls I work with that I'm gonna charm someone so bad, or that I'm a great catch, and that I'm gonna find someone that will care about me. It would just be nice if the girl that I just met would be like,"Why haven't you called me, lately?" or "When are we gonna do something?" b/c I have called her and tried to get her to go somewhere with me, but it never works out. I would be dumbfounded if coworker came back to me....and happy. If that ain't going to happen why won't the person I put effort into give me results? Why did I even bother?

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The person won't put in efforts either because they are too uncomfortable to at the moment or the mere fact that they don't want to in the first place.

You bother because you want to find that certain someone, it's driving you off the wall that you haven't found one yet. I have no advice for what you should do next except waiting and keep trying.

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Fair point didutellme, but if you don't ask you don't get.

I used to have a telephone sales job, and I hesitate to talk about human beings in the same terms, but the rule was...you make 100 calls, 10 of those people want to talk to you, and one out of those ten actually wants what you have to offer. Yep, this definitely sounds crude, but I hope it answers your 'why bother?' query.

Ask this woman what you want to ask her because, and I feel a cliche coming on...as one door closes, another opens.

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