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i guess that my answer to the, being a girl, that a lot of us want it to happen like it does in the movies. wether it is as easy as a guy just touching your hand when he comes to the rescue and picks up the pencil that dropped, yea pathetic, but can be true. really you can't just act like "mr. fate" you have to "be" him. really just be yourself and i am sure someone if not many will fall in love with you, but don't go breaking too many hearts that will give ya a bad rap. lol

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haha! dont worry i dont go around breaking hearts. i was just wondering about it cause my girl friend...well... friend whos a girl said that she didnt think we were meant to be and that if it was "Gods intention" for us to be together then it wouldve happened. i dont believe this though. i mean CMON, maybe it just hasnt happened yet. anyways... ill just continue being one of her best friends until she thinks that we are "meant to be". until then, ill try to wait for her as long as i can.

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hello. I think your friend doesn't feel the same way as you. It's possible she might someday, but for now she wants to make it clear that she feels like you two are friends. That's respectable, I think. She's not leading you on. You can hang out and hope that she changes how she feels, 'cause she might, especially if she's only 13 like you.

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ya ur right k8tie kool. surprisingly though when she told me this i wasnt depressed at all. shes one of my best friends so i am pretty sure i will have plenty of good times with her in the future. she says shes not ready for a big relationship yet and that shes too young. im a patient young man so i will wait . or there could be someone else, who knows what "fate" has in store.

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Well, I use to be one of them girls which believed their is someone out their for everyone. Have to be in the right place and time. Also, people say when you are looking to hard for the guy or even girl it willn' t happen it will never when you least expected. I will be 22 in feb. I really had serious bf. I really want to found my soul mate. Yes i think I want it to be like movie way. It happens. I just need love my guy who will love me for me. want to have kids sometime, have his life in order.


i don't believe anymore......

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One of these days, you're going to meet someone who shares all the same values, goals, and dreams you do. Someone who maybe isn't perfect, but is perfect for YOU anyway. Someone who finishes your sentences and you can finish hers. Someone who would never hurt you because it wouldn't occur to her... And she's gonna cuddle up beside you one day and say "man, it's amazing how of all the people on earth we could be with, we found each other..."


And then you will understand. ;-)

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