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Not sure what to do


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So I met this girl in one of my college courses. I am a shy person so I didn't talk to her much during the semester, but I saw her at a concert one night and we talked for a long time. I felt like her body language and the things she was asking me seemed like she was interested. Unfortunately as we joined a group of our friends in the crowd I lost her and didn't ask her for her #


Anyways I decided to give Facebook a shot and I messaged her on there simply letting her know I could give her tickets to a show I was playing that she wanted to attend. She never responded because she never logs on Facebook and didn't see the message.


A few months past and I noticed she finally logged on and saw the message, but no reply. I saw her at school and said hey and she simply said that she loved the shirt I was wearing and was "jealous" and walked on with her girlfriend she was with


I feel a crazy connection and attraction to this girl even though we haven't talked much. Is she interested or does the fact she never responded to the Facebook message show that she's not. What should I do?



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You always miss if you never shoot, so its a win win situation if you ask her out.


If you get dumped, you can go on with your life.

If she says yes, you got a date.


What reward has being shy ever gave you in life? Always go for gold


So just go for the kill and ask her out.

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