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I helped a friend of a friend of mine come out. Since then, we've become pretty good friends. We'd get together for coffee and kvetch about how much we both wanted a girlfriend.

Thing is, she wants me to be her girlfriend, and I'm just not interested. She caught me off guard when she asked me if I'd go out with her, and, being put on the spot like that, I mumbled something that led her to believe I was interested. She doesn't know me nearly as well as she thinks she does, and has somehow made me out to be someone who doesn't sound like me at all. It wouldn't work between the two of us.


How can I turn her down without being a complete 455h013? (Word to the l33t!)


(Argh! Why can't I just wake up one day and be married? I hate dating!!!)

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Yeah, be honest because youd be more of an a-hole to make her think you were interested and not say anything cause you didnt know how! everytime passes by it just makes it worst!


tell her that you did not mean to make her feel that way but you like having her as friends, tell her your not what she thinks....be honest!


good luck

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