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In the name of LOVE

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I like to think that in the name of love I'd be running TO my dreams, not from them. Love should be about scaling new heights and doing the things you've always wanted to do. It should be about making yourself happy and becoming the person you've always wanted to be, becoming a better person from the love you share.


If you mean running away from dreams like the job you wanted or the life you always pictured, you should think about it. Is the opportunities and possibilites of this love worth leaving certain things behind? It could be worth it and you'll gain and prosper from the choice. Or it could be a mistake and you'll regret it later. It depends on the circumstances and the ultimate choice is yours alone.


I would say that love causes you to run from your nightmares, such as fears of emptiness and being alone, and causes you to run to your houpes and dreams.

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Relationships come and go.


As many on this board know, so does love.


If you have a dream, a goal, that you've always wanted, DON'T LET ANYONE COME BETWEEN THAT!


I've wanted to be a filmmaker since I was 6 years old. I've lost a relationship or two with women that only wanted a house and white picket fence. I gave them everything I could, all the love in the world...except that. They chose to look elsewhere for their beloved suburban existence. I guess love wasnt their primary objective, relationship-wise. I don't regret my decision to continue to persue my dream one bit.


Believe it or not, there is more to life then marriages and girlfriends. Live your life. Love will come. It should never be a one or the other situation.

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I deffinitley see where your all coming from, i wouldnt ever like to think that my dreams were being taken away from me and a good point of they shouldnt have to be was added at the beginning. i think a dream can be an ambition, like i heard five horixons wanted to be a film maker. i have always wanted to work in special needs, it doesnt sound the most glam things but ive worked in it before as part time experiance and what i feel when im working is like nothing else.


i believe im in love, hense me asking this but theres so much stopping me i have ambitions and dreams of travelling far im sociable and deffinitley not an indoor girl, my boyfriend is amazing in the respect that he has everything going for him when you look at a relationship but sometimes i seem stuck behing an invisible door with no other exits, im scared that i cant live my dream.


its scary though because when you feel your in love you want to let that person experiance your dreams with you but for some reason i seem to be with someone who doesnt want to experiance mine. its not a matter of look i dont want to but more so hes never wanted to.


I wouldnt usually let someone stop me, but isnt my situation almost like trying to make a vegetarian eat meat. if someones already set in a way before your with them are they really stopping a dream or just stopping something that really wasnt started.


but id like to say a big thankyou,because you guys have deffinitley put into perspective what i would have liked to have hoped in the first place.




p.s. im in an energised mood so i hope this all makes sense to you

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I deffinitley hear what your saying. Yet, things dont work so simple for me, i dont like leaving people behind and if i did id feel a burden to him, new experiances and everything whilst things keep you back. Does that make sense? Id rather be enjoying my dream than worrying about things ive left behind. I think the key thing you wrote there is that we only live once, i wouldnt like to think id restrict him from his dream so i hope i have mine. Ive always been one to want to try almost anything just this one could possibly lead me to loosing something with whatever decision i make!



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do y feel like its possible to be held back? i mean everyone makes sacrifices, what if my dream now isnt my actual dream in life, what if its a challange and there is more to loose than gain? in that case i wont be holding myself back but id be taking my own dive.


i think your quotes have a lot to say for themselves i like them!


how would you answer this... ''when words cant describe the way you feel, how do you speak?''


but anyway back to what i was asking. i guess i analyse too much because what if my dreams holds my boyfriend back? bit of a pickle really. i always hoped the person i loved id never change and i dont want to change him, so maybe changing myself or rethinking what is right for me, is the right way to go. what do you think?

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do you analyse things alot? or a bit more than most? only usually when i ask that question most people seem to be baffled, i think its intriguing how you read the way you feel, i can do the same sometimes but i try to explain it in actions not my expressions. But thanks **smiles**. atleast you know how to answer a situation, like yesterday. How convenient was my question, so proud.


you like to use riddles like me dont you! sorry im just quite happy that i can understand what you mean. i see what your saying, like take for example my ambition with my job, things have always contributed to what i thought i wanted to become and despite them being so different like yours i ended up in a place that i felt comfortable with and it involved characteristics of everything else i hoped.


i dont think its possible to be exactly certain on what you want,or maybe you can be, but for me things change. i have a moto in life not to regret anything so i guess this is why im contemplating this one so much, i dont want to regret going ahead with somethign that could have waited but i also dont want to wait for an oppotunity to pass me by and later realise how naive ive been.


i used to get scared by being hurt but i guess now im more aware, so its not a matter of fully being prepared, if there wasnt anyone there making me question things i would have already risked things for my dream, its just the way that the actions i make now will affect someone else.


i agree, id hope that id help someone if they asked.


do you think you could explain what love is? because what happens if youve jumped on the wrong ship and something that really is too good to be true has just pulled the wool over your eyes?



**looks baffled by the fact that you have no regrets - ive quoted your post before reading and wasnt expectin to read that**


thanks though have you ever felt restricted in any form in fulfilling something important to you?



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a mastermind, i like it, i like the way you have stoud up to try and explain love, you dont see that often! i usually try to explain what it isnt. the simple route


ive never had someone explain love as prozak before, you are deffinitley something special or atleast someone with an imagination. i think your right with the line, love is a natural high, i dont think you coudl ever be false about love, and if you are it will only show through sooner or later.


i can deffinitley tell your a romantic but id deffinitley have to agree aswell, i think that love is when you see no faults in that other person, even the faults they see, you see as a characteristic only genuine to them. thats my belief. i dont let many people into my heart straight away but when i do i know i dont see faults in them.


a way with words i must say. bless you made me smile when you put toasty in side, but i get exactly what your saying, i dont think you have any insecurities when your in love and i never feel as afraid, i dont feel like things are a battle or im walking into the flames i just feel comfortable. its not comfortable like getting cosy in a chair its like feeling safe in one of the scariest environments because youve got them. thats how i feel.


my god your right, its either because i see thinghs like that lol or its because your right. i dont think age has anythign to do with things, im 17 and have learnt alot from life. i am the most immature and most mature person in one but i dont often let things pass. i think that i dont regret mainly because an action felt right at that time, i can see how i would changethings though and i agree to that but i learn alot from what i do even if its to not do those things again in the next situation, but i dotn regret.


i look back and see how something so large in emotional value then is so vague now. i remember at the age of abouit 5 having an argument with my friend when we dropped pencils, and whos was the largest, and do you know what, that issue was my life, but we all learn dont we, i mean obviously bigger things worry me now, but its the same emotions we experiance and gain from.




there is no point regretting or denying things because you can never run away from your own conscience.



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You seem like one of those people out of the movies that all girls want because theyd do anything for them in the name of love yet at the same time you dont know whether or not its cheesey. i like your honesty though, i respect that from people.


lol to the id go far in life. i think youll find i over analyse thats all. im a little cautious. but thanks.


have you ever tried denying who you are? i must admit there was a time where i became a person who everyones else wanted me to be, but now im who i want to be and comfortable with it. i contradict myself in almost all ways possible. in the sense that my style of clothing for example would never match the taste in music i have but i still love who i am. (im into things like green day, tenacious d, keane, killers and franz ferdinand, but i dont dress it).


i know this is off topic but i thought id share it anyway. if i could ever be anyone id be the opposite of myself, it would be cool to see how far i go in life when im them!!



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i dont know why you dont get women, i guess i dont know enough about you quite yet to attempt in analysing, but you seem like a great guy. in reality women hope for that man in those films but they dont actually want him. have you ever watched fight club? i never like brad pit but the way he is in that is amazing, hes not a good but thats the way us women or ladies are.


i think a relationship has to equal, a relationship cant be all about sex but its not just about communication either. i think when you can combine something psychical and have emotions its the best thing. like i know i feel more comfortable when a man knows how i feel and what i want not just presumes and acts on his own ground. but someone whos a little forward isnt that bad also.


i think we all have parts of us that come out at different times and i dont think thats being false to anyone.


why did you want to be someone you werent three days ago?


im a taurus, i dont follow it but i know that i have my own set of cards anyway so im not fussed. i like to be the dealer, not that im in control just have a self of awareness on my grounds.


i used to know someone on here, we had a huge conversation one time, and i mean like 60 pages (this was when i was an avid fan of this site lol) but he names himself the exact same thing and had the xact same reasoning for it. ive never seen it no but because of him i understand what you mean.


what do you mean you put up a show? i dont tend to show my emotions because i begin to feel exposed, theres only few people who fully understand me and thats because ive opened my heart out to them. i wouldnt know who im best described as.



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