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My friend (a girl) seems to be avoiding my eye whenever we talk in person. When we talk online we usually have an easy time talking, but in person its always me that has to try to talk to her. I dont know if its cause she feels akward around me or something else but its really starting to confuse me. Any ideas why she doesnt talk to me? and if its because she feels akward, why might she feel this way?

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lol the chances are she robally really lieks you and is a little bit nervous around you, that is how my ex was and it'll go away soon, but if she is a friend im not too sure maybe she likes you or something why dont you ask her why is it that she cant look you in your eye and seems awkward in your precence

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I probably would ask her, but the thing is i have asked if she liked anyone and she said no. She said that she didnt think it was "fun" to like people. Im not sure though cause i dont think that liking people is something that u can control. She seems to have no problems talking to other people and she does talk to me, but she just acts different about it.(if u get what im saying)

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